Tell me you never got the chance to check like you did brainCall it a brain if you want, it plays your part bad past. I’m not just talking about Optical illusions We’ll show it to you then, but there are situations in life where sight, or smell, or any of our other senses make us Strange feeling, which is difficult for us to explain. back in 2017 publish Article with the best optical illusions She was submitted to a contest, but we want to surprise you even more. You are ready?
We bring you some of the most interesting and entertaining optical illusions
Hallucinations with the 10 best optical illusions, you have to believe them to see them
We don’t want to keep you long, so we’re going straight to the action. The first optical illusionAs you can see below these lines have already appeared in the article we mentioned before and shows us blue stripeshorizontally and vertically. At first, it may give the impression that a file Horizontal lines are diagonalNothing could be further from the truth. When picture Become unclearwhen we can approach reality.
Just as the mind and the eye deceive us with straight lines, so too You may not be able to distinguish colors correctly. Don’t you believe us? Tell us What color are the spheres? What you see in the picture below. To your surprise, and surely after careful consideration, we will tell you that all areas exist same color. Here we have an example of the brain trying to find the most direct logical solution, when the process should be slower and more deliberate.
All spheres are the same color. reddit
We go to another optical illusion That will put your mind to the test. On this occasion, you should say The first animal that comes to mind When looking at the image we show you under these lines. If you are not able to see a file two animals which are represented, we will tell you that you can see a file Duckwith the beak on the left, or a rabbit, with ears where the beak is. In these cases, the brain must first choose how to interpret the image, which is why it chooses one.
Choose your favorite animal. reddit
yes to brain trick Photoes it is video The ones we show you here below will drive you crazy. This time you just have to game video and keep The gaze is fixed on the cross that appears in the middle of the screen. He will appear on both sides of the cross Pictures From various people, who will look like taken from A Horror film. Yes, if you continue watching every side separately , will be shown as they are In fact.
We were also surprised by the following image. no, We don’t make a GIF for you. What you see is a file still image, but that seems to come alive just by looking at it. When we keep our sights on something, we have eyes run out small movements, which in this case, given the structure of the image and its colors, gives a sense of movement. In fact, if you can keep an extension Gazingyou will notice how the file picture becomes more and more fixed.
Is this a gif or not? reddit
We go back to the land Colors and the Things To show you a couple of dinosaurs Which, by all accounts, seems to have it Totally different colors. Well, speaking of lights, this optical illusion uses different types of lighting in the scene to cause us brain arms himself Mess Dad and confused us for a long time. The dinosaursby the way, from same color.
These dinosaurs have the same color. reddit
It may appear that a file yellow dots In the bottom picture blink, and be black spots Inside, when you want to look at them, but that’s another thing optical illusion. The theory Guaranteed that this will happen because light treatment. We have trained Evolution to detect light better when there is a dark environment and it can be said that this is consistent with this principle.
No, the yellow dots do not flash. reddit
You will be surprised to discover if you press a button reproduction From the video that we show you under these lines, that cubes that appears on the screen from 0:30 They don’t move Not at all, although your brain explains it. he is optical illusion It is one of the most amazing things that can be observed and shows us how light change In a picture it can change our perception of it.
last of Popular optical illusions Online is what we offer you next one This leads us to think In which direction does the ballerina turn?. despite of the majority of people see it moving in clockwiseAfter a while, your brain may discover that it can Turn to the other sidewhich – which Does not change out of meaning or it has always been rotate in the opposite direction clockwise. a trick To learn to change direction, is to look at the shadow you cast and use your index finger to make the movement you want.
Finally, we are convinced that you will see more in recent years, we present to you picture what it looks like bobbing also Moving Like a science moved by the wind. The How are the points arranged? And that our eyes cover the scene from side to side, make our mind think that moving imagewhile it is still in fact fixed.
You can also watch the picture swing. reddit
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