Sunday, March 9, 2025

Boris Isaguerre: Lokomoy and Gorbachev | People

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Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan on Red Square in Moscow in May 1988.
Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan on Red Square in Moscow in May 1988.Bateman Archive (Bateman Archive)

August started badly. with The death of Olivia Newton-John I felt as if my youth was late but sure. At the end of the month, one day before the anniversary 25 years since the death of Diana WellsMikhail Gorbachev died. I already got hit by announcing it Anna Blanco left the newscast. No illusion can replace it. I was having dinner in a small Japanese restaurant, where they don’t accept any credit card because they consider their commissions excessive, when I send the mobile Gorbachev news. I didn’t choke on it Nigerian Mackerel with scallop because the price didn’t allow it, but I thought the machete cut another piece from my youth. I was in my twenties when Gorbachev took over the news and The Perestroika It was a cry of freedom, the illusion of change. My companions at the table joined the feast of nostalgia. We wonder if there will be an official funeral? an actPutin will allow it? And who will now be able to attend Russia as a guest?

I found the obituary predictable, even uncomfortable. But memory is a miracle mechanism and remembering Locomía’s injury from 1991, Gorbachev, It was shown at the Viña del Mar Festival in Chile: In both his words and in this performance, I finally got the necessary depth and certainty about Gorbachev’s character. Accompanied by their fans, their buttons and their shoulder coverings, as if they were alternative emblems of a hammer and sickle, the quartet rooted in its techno-pop dogmatism cried out: “Those from the Soviet Union are astonishing us. Gorbachev is perfect. It’s time to return to the West.”

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That’s what Locomia said! The Perestroika and the glasnost They had a huge resonance in the gay community of their time. Their expectations of change seem to have reached us, to separate us from the stigma of AIDS, to give us strength. Gorbachev is Perestroika. Gorbachev disarms “Locomía sings.” When we get to Russia, socks We will be welcomed and in Red Square, we will shout freedom.” Well done! More rebellious than International. Although Lenin would have been proud of Lucommia’s comrades, today it would be impossible to bring them there red square So they shout for freedom.

take back this Gorbachev Made me remember my own Perestroika With the quartet in Buenos Aires in 1991, when they were at their prime and living surrounded by the cries of a red army of fans. They were beautiful and soft, crammed into their shoulder pads and excessive morning makeup. She was an actress in one of the series for which I was a screenwriter, kind of an illusion with one of them, maybe the one with the longest hair. I, between hairspray and long hair, ended up close to blond. She was, like my socks, perfect. a Kazachuk Crazy and dizzy. Great for a guy who expresses feelings. Later, he relentlessly and transparently asserted that the Soviet Union had become a rotten Jurassic park that could not stand it.

But life goes on. and the Perestroikas also. Like what might happen in Welcome! to root From the chaos of Esther Donna and Judge Pedras. Last Wednesday he announced the cover of the weekly magazine We’re Getting Married and on Friday, the judge announced that “Esther is not the woman I thought she was.” And so we went within two days of “we got married” to “we didn’t get married” and this week the magazine had to practice glasnost (Transparency) and the publication of a detailed chronology of events in which Doña appears to have been disenfranchised, with indications that it could have played with the publication’s credibility. Something that would likely end the relationship, the illusion, Donna Esther Donna with the magazine. Iker Casillas, inadvertently, put the glamorous publication in a quandary, forcefully denying the illusion of new love attributed to him on the cover. Another shock. what about Welcome!? Need PerestroikaOr a new delusion?

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