Friday, October 18, 2024

The new health center El Palo de Málaga will be ready by the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026

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The first steps of El Palo Health Center in its temporary building (in the old building of the Faculty of Law in this neighbourhood, on Avenida de la Estación, 4) while works are carried out to build a new building on the traditional site, which will be accompanied by The Center for High-Resolution Specialties (CARE) brought with them new news: the end date of the work that had been set as a target Late 2025 or early 2026.

This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Miguel Angel Guzmán, on Monday, during a visit to the temporary center with other authorities, which began its work since last November 13, and which was requested to be implemented. Build additional units.

Guzman also revealed that these adjacent infrastructures were implemented “with The invitation must be final For corresponding use once he has completed the specialist position, so that he will be given a new profession in the future.

The total investment, including work on both infrastructures, is estimated at approximately 20 million euros. To date, more than 1.5% have been allocated for the construction of the temporary center; And another 1.4 l Demolition works From the other, which has already begun within them.

The new building will be built there with an area larger than 11000 square meters Of these, approximately 8,000 are intended for healthcare use: approximately 2,600 for primary care and approximately 1,600 for specialty care across 35 consultations, five of which are in pediatrics; It will also have physical therapy, minor surgeries, and, as is currently the case, an emergency point.

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CARE, for its part, will do so 15 specialized consultations, Two operating rooms and a radiology area, as the Vice Chancellor explained, “Analyzes will be performed and there will be some observation beds to meet key priorities.” This specialized center, which will be based on the regional hospital, will have technology to perform various tests in order to shorten the time required for diagnosis and treatment.

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