Every time The Google Announcing a sudden update, cyber security experts are on alert, as it may be due to a bug Safety In one of his many tools. The consequences of this type of vulnerability can be dire, especially if it affects a service used by millions of people around the world, as is the case with Google Chrome.
a few days ago, Mountain View Company An update release for Android Google Chrome users. Shortly after, an expert company in mobile cybersecurity revealed that the world’s most popular browser had suffered a vulnerability that put more than three million people at risk. Now, Prudhvikumar Bommana, one of the lead managers of Google Chrome, has confirmed that the update was released because a total of nine security holes were discovered in the browser.
Google has not been slow to correct the error, but to do so, it is necessary to update the application.
Serious Security Vulnerability

Google’s browser is the most used around the world: up to 56% of users choose Chrome before Explorer, Firefox or Safari.
For its part, Forbes reports that not only does it affect Android users, but Windows, Linux and Mac devices are also at risk. Fortunately, unlike what has happened on other occasions, it is not a zero-day bug, i.e. the vulnerability has never been discovered or used by cybercriminals, unless known. That’s why users shouldn’t fear for the data, it’s safe for now. However, it may be for a short time. To prevent your mobile device from being attacked, you need to update Google Chrome.
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The vulnerabilities have been rated by Google as dangerous in some cases. This type of vulnerability could cause hackers to access sensitive information, such as our passwords or the websites we visit. On the part of Google, the vulnerabilities were quickly resolved, but in order for it not to be a problem for users, the browser should be updated.
google chrome update

Screenshot of Google Chrome Updates section in desktop version
The solution to the vulnerability in Google Chrome depends exclusively on the user, as he is the one who must update the browser with the latest updates provided by the launcher. To do this, simply go to the App Store or Google Play and perform the pending updates. In the case of Android mobile phones, this is a must, since most of the vulnerabilities were discovered in it.
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To update Google Chrome from your desktop, go to the three dots on the top right of the screen and hit the “Help” option. Once in, they will show if you have any updates available. Reboot the device to activate the update.
The updated version, according to Google’s announcement, is Chrome v101.0.4951.61 for Android.
The 9 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Chrome

Google has discovered nine security vulnerabilities in Chrome
The nine vulnerabilities covered in this Chrome update are rated as High and Medium Severity. The vulnerabilities that were revealed are as follows:
- CVE-2022-1633: Use it for free in Sharesheet.
- CVE-2022-1634: Use it for free in the browser user interface.
- CVE-2022-1635: Use it free for permission requests.
- CVE-2022-1636: Use it for free in Performance APIs.
- CVE-2022-1637: Invalid implementation in web content.
- CVE-2022-1638: Buffer overflow in V8 internationalization.
- High CVE-2022-1639: Use it for free on ANGLE.
- CVE-2022-1640: Use it free to share.
- CVE-2022-1641: Use for free in Web UI Diagnostics.
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