Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A candidate for mayor of Hurlingham has proposed setting up a free youth mental health centre

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Damien Selsey, candidate for Mayor of Hurlingham for Union for Home.

Campaigning for the mayoral candidate of Hurlingham for the Union for Homeland, Damien Selseyproposed the establishment of a free youth mental health center in the municipality, which at present does not have the establishment of these properties.

The Peronist leader, who was already in charge of the local executive on a temporary basis, when he was the current president, Juan Zabaletaleaving the position to the Minister of Social Development of the Nation, and indicated that this is one of his main proposals for the upcoming elections.

In this sense, Selsi argued that a place that provides this type of service to residents is important in the current context, where, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), psychological and psychological problems among residents have increased as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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“We have outstanding debts with young people,” said the mayoral candidate, noting that social isolation, fear of infection, and mourning the death of loved ones are some of the reasons that act as catalysts. depression and anxiety.

The “Youth Mental Health Center” that the President of Unión por la Patria proposes to create will be a physical space with clinics, which Provide psychiatric and psychological care in a multidisciplinary mannerwith specialists who specialize in various problems and have the ability to make referrals when necessary.

This will be a youth mental health centre

The ambitious local president specified that the service would be free in this place, and in this way, the residents of the municipality would be able to have an easily accessible option to treat this type of problem, which today in this Buenos Aires area is attended only in the private health system.

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In addition, Selci has already submitted the digital design of what the respective institution will be like, a project in line with other initiatives that have provided references for their space, such as portfolios Axel Kiselov With a program to provide workshops on mental health in secondary schools.

To finish outlining all aspects of his proposal, the leader held meetings with several young people from this city, where they realized, for example, how “difficult” it was for them to survive “without school, without going out with friends to the square, wherever it is” during an epidemic.

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According to a report published by the World Health Organization, the prevalence of cases of depression and anxiety increased by 25% among young people, after the isolation measures implemented by the Corona virus. In addition, 73% of the young people surveyed felt the need to seek help with regard to their physical and mental well-being.

The study indicates that 32% of the minors between the ages of 13 and 15 surveyed, who reside in 15 different provinces of Argentina, showed increased anxiety, while 29% of them showed sadness.

“Unfortunately, the situation highlights a chronic shortage of mental health resources around the world that persists to this day. The latest edition of the World Health Organization’s Atlas of Mental Health revealed that governments around the world spent on average just over 2% of their health budgets on mental health, with less than 1 mental health worker per 100,000 population in many low-income countries.

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