Monday, March 10, 2025

A Starfield fan who worked at NASA created a 1,000-page document full of information about the game, and now asks Bethesda for a job interview – Starfield

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His project, which has been running since the beginning of 2022, is the best source of information the Starfield community has access to.

launch the.. launch the.. take off the starfield It is undoubtedly among the most exciting games of the year which is why the next video game Bethesda It has not escaped an increasingly common phenomenon. When a new title is close to arriving, the community starts creating content about it. Almost like Start enjoying the game before we can play it on our console. A phenomenon that always leaves us with strange stories. However, few of them require as much dedication as a fan of the next exclusive video game X-Box. To keep players interested in the title informed, it was created A 1,071-page document containing more than 86,000 words containing all the information available about the game on the Internet. synthesized and analyzed.

For more than a year he has been working on his wonderful project about Starfield

The user who created such a document responds to Gokamo’s nickname and He has been working on the project since 2022. It began as a guide that was “barely” 120 pages long in June last year and has been regularly expanded as new information about the game is revealed. Before I did my last live presentation, the document was already about 459 pages long. Thus, he worked for a full month to extend over 600 pages after the news shown in Starfield Direct that occurred in the course of Summer Festival Game.

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“My fingers hurt. I think At this point, I have outgrown the word count in the novel. There are about 86,000 here and a quick search tells me the accounts are between 70 and 120,000. Approximately 1100 pages. When I started this last arc I didn’t expect it to go over 1000. However, what I didn’t expect was that they would show a total of 48 minutes of Starfield in one day,” says the user of his latest major update. The fact is, the initiative is also Very interesting in terms of preservation. “This will all be out of date when the game launches, but if you ever wanted to know the history that led up to Starfield, the document is here,” he said.

This image, which hardly seems relevant, serves to understand the depth of the document.

Regarding the information in the document, the truth is that there is everything. They reveal themselves Unknown aspects of Starfield development as the first ‘build’ of the game and all relevant interviews regarding its development are collected. In all cases, in case one day the links stop working, add a group containing the basic information about them. The images are also analyzed. I think it is something that can be understood with an example. The previous picture, from which it seems difficult to draw conclusions, led to this 250 words of composite analysis by the author. I can also promise you that there is no filler content.

Why did you do all this work?

Regarding the reasons for implementing a document like this, Guacamo offers several: “When amnesiaMy dad got the strategy guide for the game and gave it to me as a gift. I was too young to play the game at the time, but I remember flipping through that huge screenshot and being amazed at the sheer amount of objects and images it contained. When I finally made it out of the sewers and found the Eylid Ruins on the other side of the lake, with nocturne playing, it felt so unreal. It was the first game that felt like another world really existed.The user claims to have completed all of the Bethesda games, but this is the one that caught his eye the most for a very personal reason:My family has been in the space rocket business since before the Apollo program. [1960]. I myself was at NASA during my internship developing lunar simulations. “

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Starfield will end on September 6, 2023.

In addition to this romantic impulse, the truth is that he also has somewhat less abstract ambition. “I love working at BethesdaSo I hope it helps improve the value of my job applications,” he explained. The fact is that throughout the doc, he’s clearly an expert on the company’s video games, but also an analytical capacity that always comes in handy in the industry, she explains. That too He programmed the single game during his time at the university. As one might say to a famous content creator: Bethesda, do it.

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