Monday, March 10, 2025

A terrestrial magnet of 6,4 with an archive of archives in New Zealand

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Un termoto de magnitud 6,4 sacudió este sábado las islas Kermadec, an archive situated in the norm New Zelanda, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de dioces materieli ni emitiran una alerta de tsunami.

El seísmo Occurs at 15.46 hora local (02.46 GMT) and has a hipocentro fue localization of 10 kilograms of profound bajo or lecho marino in the Occino Pacifico, along with Servicio Geologico de Estados Unidos (USGS), the most intriguing player on the site. The train will take you to 926 kilometers in the local area of ​​Ohonua, in Tonga, and 1084 kilometers in the Whangarei region, a local city in the extreme north of New Zealand.

Noticias relacionadas

Las Islas Kermadec, situated in New Zealand and Tonga, is a deshabitadas, with personal excellence in the base permanence instantly located in Roul, where you have a unique meteorological and radio.

In marzo del año pasado, las autoridades activate neozelandes la alerta de tsunami dos vees tras varios fuertes seismos, Includes a magnitude of 7,3 Friendly at the cost of a norm and an auto magnitude of 8.1 Kermadec. New Zelanda asyento en la falla entre las placas techniques in Pacifico and Oceania, and has registered over 14.000 termotos cño, with less than 100 and 150 tienene suficiento poto comi per ser percibidos.

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