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Paco Rueda He was involved in criminal proceedings for his alleged participation in a crime. scamWhich affected his colleague Alejandro Camacho.
Both actors shared the stage in the film. As if for the first time, since 2004 The events occurred after a criminal and civil complaint filed by Camacho, who accuses Rueda of stealing a large sum of money from him.
It is known that there were attempts to fix the situation and establish different methods of repayment, but the perpetrator did not pay any amount of the debt.
The process was formalized after a hearing in which the judge heard arguments from defense lawyers. Camacho And look at the evidence he presented Attorney General’s Office The accused. The judge’s decision indicated that, up to this stage of the case, there were sufficient elements to take action on it. wheelwho could not distort the facts with the existing arguments.
As a precautionary measure, the probation judge issued a ban on Ruwaida leaving the country and ordered him to report periodically to sign in prison, thus ensuring his presence during the trial. If convicted, Ruwaida could face a prison sentence of between six and twelve years.
During a January interview with the program, The sun rises, Camacho expressed his frustration by pointing out that Rueda already had criminal and civil complaints and called him a thief. Camacho explained that Rueda did not appear before the prosecutor’s office and did not respond to his lawyers, leaving them in a bind.
Paco Rueda, born in April 1994, has had a distinguished career in television and cinema. He participated in the project “Colombian Dream” in 2005 and in other productions such as the Mexican version of “La Boda de mi Mejor Amigo”, “Guadalupe Reyes” and the series La Casa de las Flores.
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