Monday, March 10, 2025

Alpine hopes to make a “big leap” with its new engine

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the difference fully focused To continue preparing for the 2022 season. With the start of the year already, the factories continue to work at full capacity to face new slate Which will implement Formula 1, which will allow the teams most behind to start over with a car that will allow them to fight for important things, such as the world title. Many of them are in focus, one of them is Alps.

A new unit cuts off differences, the key to the French

team led by Luca de Meo y Laurent Rossi The 2021 season ended on a very good level, with a particularly good second half of the season in which they achieved, among other things, first win From Esteban Ocon In the World Championships, in the Hungarian Grand Prix, the first podium Fernando Alonso after Seven years of drought, with the third place in the career of Lusail.

The steps forward that were taken in the French car raised the hopes of a group that wants to win again. It also shows how they made a phenomenon “the plan‘, movement in social networks based on the possibility of the third World Cup for Asturias. All fever that reached A521 mid-year and that He ended up decorating his back wing In the last test of the year, in Abu Dhabi.

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These are the claims Albin builds his work on, and they seem to be Getting started. Or at least from within the team they don’t stop sending good feelings about it. This is what happens to the new engine built at Viry-Chatillon headquarters for 2022.

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And that, in the Alps, they recognize the need for many improvements, but one of the simplest is power unit. The team hasn’t stopped remembering it over the past year They ran with specifications built in 2019, two seasons ago, something heavier than them in terms of power and top speed, as can be seen in many of this season’s Grand Prix.

Recently, Fernando Alonso commented on I need this new unit Not wanting to get too wet, she hinted that things were going well with her. His words were clear:A new engine was absolutely necessary, but there is something that has yet to come out of the aerodynamics“, which means that the results in the field They were positive.

But now, more data has been leaked. According to information received from the German media “Auto Motor und Sport”, this new unit It will confirm on the test bench that its specification is sufficient forTake a big leap Compared to what was seen in previous seasons, when the Alpine engine was estimated to have a deficit of 35 hp compared to the best-in-class Mercedes.

Thus, the team sources who claim cautiously optimisticThey also confirmed that they had left.Install the engine“To confirm this big leap, which will complete part of the work planned at Alpine for 2022. Although, as Alonso cautioned, many developments still need to be made in car design, which will be of particular importance in terms of interpreting the new F1 regulations. .

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