Monday, March 10, 2025

Alter3, a more humanoid robot than ever with the help of GPT-4

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A group of researchers from the University of Tokyo created A robot with more human characteristics Via GPT-4, Alter3. In this way, his gestures stand out among their characteristics, as they promise to be more similar to human gestures.

Alter3 is thus the latest offering of the humanoid robot which was introduced in 2016. GPT-4 in robot functionality is essentially a trainer function, Well, thanks to this system, functions such as the ability to take selfies, eat popcorn, throw balls, or even play the guitar will be added. All through natural language instructions.

According to the study, before Alter3, AI-powered robots focused on facilitating basic communication between life and computer robots, with the help of LLMs that helped interpret and simulate realistic responses. however, The new robot can record human expressions in everyday communicationThanks to the program code.

It should be noted that this robot is capable of performing Complex upper body movements as well as detailed expressions are included. It has 43 axes of movement, but it cannot walk, although it can simulate this action.

Alter3 works through verbal instructions, where you specify the movements you want to make. So, The message reaches the LLM and the Python code is generated that runs the Android engine.

Another interesting aspect about this robot is its ability to move, because it has memory activities, its movements are faster, smoother and more precise. next to, Change3 It has a camera through which it can see humans interacting with it, and this allows it to do that as well Refine their behavior when observing the human response.

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In this regard, researchers insist on the importance of using GPT-4 in the technological advancement of robots, as well as their interaction with humans.

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