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America is moving forward: investing in hydrogen electric motors

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RR | Miami | August 3, 2022

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Related topics: AmericanAnd the Derek KerrAnd the Neste MY Sustainable Aviation FuelTMAnd the ZeroAvia

America is investing in ZeroAvia, a company that specializes in zero-emission, hydrogen-electric aviation. In addition to the investment, the airline will prioritize ordering up to 100 engines from ZeroAvia’s hydrogen power generation development program. The engines are intended to power zero-emission regional aircraft.

“Our investment in ZeroAvia’s emerging hydrogen power generation technology has the potential to play a key role in the future of sustainable aviation,” said Derek Kerr, US CFO. “We are excited to help grow this industry and look forward to exploring how these engines can support the future of our airlines as we build American Airlines to thrive forever.”

The company said ZeroAvia expects its ZA2000-RJ powertrain to allow passengers to fly on zero-emission regional aircraft in late 2020. ZeroAvia founder and CEO Val Mavtakhov added: “Having the support of the world’s largest airline is a strong indication of the progress that We are achieving this in developing zero-emissions flights on hydrogen and electricity.” “We are focused on delivering sustainable travel and we are delighted that the American, a visionary pioneer in the industry, sees ZeroAvia as part of the future of aviation.”

As mentioned REPORTUR.usFor the first time in the history of aviation, an American receives a batch of Sustainable Fuel (SAF) from Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel TM, certified by Corsia and developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). So far, no airline in the world has been awarded the SAF with this certification. (US Milestone: Uses the first Corcia-certified sustainable fuel.)

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American owns a group of Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel TM at San Francisco International Airport. Neste MY is a state-of-the-art solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from aviation by up to 80% over the life cycle of the fuel compared to fossil jet fuel.

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