Sunday, March 9, 2025

Ancient food remains reveal the diet of a people more than three thousand years ago

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Micrograph of digestive phloem in top view (left) and detail of digestive phloem with several immature barley kernels. Photos: Institute of Prehistoric and Prehistoric Archaeology at Kiele University.

Photo: Institute of Prehistoric and Prehistoric Archaeology at Keele University.

What was cooked in plates and pots 3,200 years ago? Researchers analyzed the surface remains of cooking utensils excavated from a settlement in northeastern Germany, dating back just over 3,000 years. The site belongs to the groups”“funnel cup”a series of archaeological cultures that developed in Europe during the Neolithic and Bronze Age and which were characterized by the use of ceramic vessels with a narrow neck that widened toward the top, forming a funnel.

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This settlement, which included 40 houses at the height of its occupation, is one of the oldest villages in the region and, according to researchers, illustrates the transformation of social life in the Middle Neolithic, from individual farms to rural communities. Research published in One plusHe describes this settlement as entirely agricultural, with an economy including distinctive grain farming practices, e.g Almir (Tritcom Decocomwhich is a type of wheat), in addition to barley (vulgar crowd); livestock care; Chase; Fishing and collecting wild plants.

After excavation, the pottery from the site was air-dried and then placed in plastic bags. After visual inspection of the ceramic collection, 21 pieces with remains embedded in their surface were selected for study. The sherds came mainly from undecorated vessels.

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Nearly a third (33%) of the waste contained well-preserved remains of the original food cooked in the containers, while two-thirds (67%) was too contaminated with soil components to indicate the contents of the container. The seven well-preserved remains contain mainly sugars, indicating that the food consisted mainly of starches and/or sugars. (i can see: Former ministers warn that the regime is heading towards “collapse”)

Grains (especially wheat and barley) were the main ingredient in dishes cooked in bowls. The presence of immature barley grains in some of the waste was a curious aspect of food preparations. Researchers say it will be bare barley grains. The barley ears were probably harvested when they were still green.

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Due to the limited shelf life of green ears, they had to be processed and used soon after harvest. “The population paid great attention to the plant food economy, not only working and maintaining arable land and tending staple crops, but also processing and cooking the resulting grains,” the study authors finally wrote.

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