New case of massive cetacean die-off in Pacific Ocean About 250 pilot whales have washed ashore in New Zealand’s Chatham Islands., confirmed the government’s Department of Defense. The incident comes a month after 230 specimens of the species were similarly washed ashore in Tasmania, half of which died.
The whales were alive, but As it is impossible to return them to the water, most are sacrificed. According to the department, New Zealand news portal Stuff quoted.
“We don’t actively float whales in the Sound Islands Shark attacks are dangerous to humans and whales“, the agency’s spokesperson said. “The remaining whales have been euthanized by a professional team to prevent further suffering,” he added.
The bodies of cetaceans are abandoned on beaches for the natural decomposition process.
The Johan Project Marine Mammal Rescue NGO has posted information on Facebook about the 215 stranded whales, but admits that rescuing them is impossible.
“The Sound Islands are a difficult place to rescue them. They are islands known for white sharks, inaccessible beaches and less than 800 inhabitants (…). This is not an option,” the group pointed out on Facebook.
Beached whales are a frequent sight in the Chatham Islands. In 1918, the largest event of this type was recorded with around 1,000 dead pilot whales. In 2018, 51 pilot whales died after stranding in Hanson Bay. Then about thirty people managed to make their own way back to sea.
In 2017, about 600 people ran aground on Farewell Spit in New Zealand’s South Island and the military, volunteers and Project Jonah managed to rescue about 400 people.
A few weeks ago, A 230 whales They were stranded on a remote beach in Macquarie Bay, west of the Australian island of Tasmania, and half of them died.Officials said.
This massive thread happens right About 470 pilot whales, also known as pilot whales, stranded at the site two years later. Efe reported that only a hundred people could be rescued and taken to the sea.
These and other marine mammals are often stranded on the beaches of South Australia and New Zealand. Experts could not clarify the reasonsAlthough they usually attribute it to diseases, navigational errors, sudden changes in tides, stalking by predators, or extreme weather conditions.
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