Monday, March 10, 2025

Apple is moving its production out of China

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Apple is increasing its efforts to move production outside of China, amid protests against zero Covid policies in the Asian country.

manzanathe technology giant, is seeking to transfer the production of its products outside China amid protests in the Asian country, and the company aims to transfer its production to other Asian countries such as India or Vietnam. A transfer has been considered for months but has been reinforced due to the recent riots in the city Zhengzhouwhere the largest iPhone factory is located in China.

These protests coincided with the start of the Christmas shopping season in the United States, and thus caused major problems in the supply chain manzana. between them Model scarcity iPhone 14 Pro.

The American company is pressing for the transfer of production with a goal reduction Foxconn’s current unita Taiwanese company that is one of the company’s main suppliers and owner of the largest iPhone factory in the world, it was reported The Wall Street Journal.

Foxconn, is a major iPhone aggregator and operates in “Closed circle”That is, workers cannot leave the facilities. The company recently issued a statement defending its position after videos on social networks in which it was seen as Factory workers protesting their working conditions and wages. Context that adds to the zero covid policies that have caused Zhengzhou to shut down.

Apple is seeking to reduce its dependence on Foxconn and move production outside of China

Find apples diversify its productionHowever, the current economic crisis and slowdown in employment complicate outsourcing and the creation of alliances with new service providers.

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The transportation will not be fast, but the company strives for storage Up to 45% of iPhone production takes place in factories in Indiawhere it manufactures less than 10% f Increase product manufacturing Such as computers, watches and Airpods in Vietnam.

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