Friday, March 7, 2025

Ariadna Gutierrez reveals new details about her failed coronation in Miss Universe: “A programmer error”

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The former queen had her dream taken away from her when, after her coronation, the announcer confirmed that the winner was the Philippines – Credit @misscolombialanuevaera/Facebook

One of the moments that Colombians and followers of the Covenant may not forget is the live error during the broadcast Miss Universe In 2015. Ariadna Gutierrez, Paulina Vega's successor and crowned the most beautiful woman in the universe in 2015, was subjected to a lot of public “humiliation” by organizing the contest.

sucreña was crowned as Miss Universe for four minutes, due to an apparent error made by presenter Steve Harvey, who later claimed that the winner was Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach. Now that it was the previous one Miss Colombia Participate in Famous house 4 to telemundo, He revealed new details about that night.

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Ariadna Gutierrez managed to claim the Miss Universe sash, before Steve Harvey announced that the crown belonged to Miss Philippines – Credit Ethan Miller/Getty Images

In a conversation with his partner singer, He confirmed that what happened that night was the result of a programmed error by the Miss Universe Organization. He even dared to claim that by being so close to the presenter and the audience in expectant silence, he could hear the teleprompter that Harvey was holding to his ear.

“The winner will be announced. He is so close to you that you can hear his voice.” […] On the jury he has someone telling him what to do, and before he says it, he's one second too late, you know. Then I heard: “The winner is Colombia.”He mentioned the beautiful model.

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At that moment, according to Ariadna, the announcer talks about the mistake, confirms that she is the governor and gives the Philippines the title of winner. In the meantime, Diva He remembers seeing Ariadne's coronation as Miss Universe And all Displays And yet comes. Apparently, Her teammates did not know this part of the former queen's story, as they were surprised by the story.

A moment before the crowning of Miss Universe and the mistake that left Colombian Ariadna Gutierrez without a crown – Photography by AFP

“You know that when Miss Universe ends, they cut off the broadcast… We practiced so much that it was very difficult for there to be mistakes, do you understand? As long as you have a prompter, mentor and agent up front, there is no margin for error in a contest that has been run for many years.Gutierrez added.

Finally, she confirmed that it was a difficult moment for them, as her dream, which she had worked for for many years, had been taken away from her, and Pia was crowned amidst the dissatisfaction of the entire audience, along with the fans who did not want it. Her as Miss Universe.

The former Colombian queen confirmed, when she entered the competition, that she was in a relationship with a mysterious man. During his participation in reality to Telemundoit was learned that Gutierrez's relationship with her then-unidentified boyfriend had ended, according to information shared by another and now dumped participant, Guti Carrera.

The Ecuadorian model told how the former Colombian queen ended up in 'The House of the Famous 4' – Credit@veronicabastos1/Instagram

The Ecuadorian model, after leaving the program, appeared on the program It stings and spreads, to Telemundo, that the Colombian woman received a message in English informing her of the end of their relationship. This result appears to be related to his long stay in the country realityexceeding seventy days.

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“A very strange thing has happened, I must say, here. We knew that Ariadna had a friend. A little bird came flying there.”Those sounds that come in the air of the house in a voice but in English telling him that there is no longer any kind of relationship“I confess Influencer.

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