Monday, March 10, 2025

Article: Summit of the Americas, party without guests?

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Caribbean Channel. – Two weeks left on top of the Americas in Los Angeles, United States. Too many unknowns burden the organization of this event in the Western Hemisphere. An increasing number of leaders in the region are calling for all countries to attend. Your claim continues without a clear answer. Amidst the uncertainty over who would attend the event, the US government shortened the guest list, like the one spoiling his party. Cristina Escobar puts the news in context for us, from our study in the Cuban capital.

Possible imaginary peaks and their omens

Valdia Rubio / Cuba C

“I stayed like a village bride in a wedding dress,” said the grandmothers when someone was left standing or when their expectations were not met.

And this is how Biden appears to be leaving next month, because, according to estimates, of the 35 countries that should attend the Summit of the Americas, about 25 have announced their absence due to their intention to exclude Cuba, Venezuela or a question without inks half such an announcement from the White House, Or generally don’t share his goals and attitudes, especially around the meeting.

If the math doesn’t work, with less than 30 percent of true proactive participation, no meeting can be guaranteed to succeed. And even more, if, as in this case, its central themes include democracy, immigration, and economic development.

As in a bad suspense novel, in cyberspace, it is announced that a portion of the invitations have already left the White House, and that if they are reconsidered, no one knows for sure yet…

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But what we all know for sure is that Latin America and the Caribbean are no longer the same.

Even when, at last, they reconsider the decisions in Washington – somewhat unlikely – it is already a fact that their announcements of excluded guests constitute a major strategic mistake.

Political scientist Matthias Bianchi, a professor at the University of Arizona and director of Southern Affairs, commented on this via his Twitter account: “Biden will not have a correct reading of what has happened in the past five years in the region and what? happening now. Many countries in the region now have a left-wing government and this also creates a different space. More than a boycott of these countries, it appears to be a coherent position.”

More than just apparent, the statements of many leaders in the region clearly speak not only of cohesion, but also, at least in this part of the planet, the connection of forces has become very interesting, obliterating unipolarity at other times.

As in the past five years, the voices of this part of the world are heard louder and clearer demanding respect and not intervention, and cry out for the dignity and sovereignty of our peoples; In equal proportions that imperialist hegemony which intends to establish its reins over an entire continent is fading, though it is still dangerous and harmful.

The upcoming summit in Los Angeles, likely with many empty chairs and, therefore, an almost ghost meeting, will be an interesting omen of how to tilt the scales even more. The preamble to that meeting already announces it.

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