Monday, March 10, 2025

Articles in selected companies for the week of July 13-19

Must Read

On Socialism and the ‘New Man’: A Necessary Critical Review

The recent history of socialism has left us with many questions. Deepening a careful study of what happened, although it is not exactly a “fashion” topic today, must be faced with a true critical spirit, because after the extinction or transformation of many of these experiences (Russia, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc.) the world is not better. On the contrary, we are arguably closer to the nineteenth century than to the twenty-second: current problems are similar or worse than those of a century ago, with many troubling novelties, such as environmental degradation or possible thermonuclear war. , the exclusion of innumerable numbers of workers by automation and robots and the enormous differences – before undistinguished – between those who have everything and those who live off leftovers (there are mass migrations desperate to explain this).

Marcello Colossi

A fish fell into the net!

The consensus is that we have come out of the pandemic worse. It demanded isolation and coincided with the intensification of political polarization. Isolation did not turn into a solitary cell simply for opening some windows, such as digital networks. But political polarization invaded the realm of emotion, not reason. And in a way quite different from the previous polarizations, the discussions were based on enlightened authors (Marx, Smith, Gramsci, Keynes, Lenin, Arendt, etc.) and on proposals for the future of humanity.

Fry Beto

The inevitable de-dollarization (second and final)

Last week, we “journeyed” through the process of de-dollarization that we classify as inevitable. Today we will continue the analysis in an attempt to reach some conclusions keeping in mind that it is still not clear what is the alternative to the dollar as the main exchange currency. Several options are available in this regard.

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Sergio Rodriguez Galvenstein

Mercosur and the European Union

A fragile neo-colonial agreement

Critical social movements are calling for a suspension of negotiations

In the second half of June, an issue as important as it was complex is back at the center of the South American and European agenda. Lula was in France and the strategic partnership agreement between Mercosur and the European Union was part of the struggle between the future “partners”. On the other hand, on July 2, the final declaration of the 26th meeting of the São Paulo Forum, which brings together progressive and left-wing forces on the continent, denounced the free trade agreements.

Sergio Ferrari

What’s the reward? What is the miracle? ¹ (part two)

An anti-Cuban factory that supports the blockade. “Bob” Menendez, the perfect paragon of falsehood and corruption

I wanted to insist on common sense, the ‘least common sense’, and on the validity of this statement in the twenty-first century, in a world where senators no longer wear togas, but we are always amazed at how slanderous and most shameful lies are still believed.” By part of the world,” “for a part of the time,” in the famous phrase of the brilliant thinker Abraham Lincoln. It is rubbish like “Pateria Potestad”, “Brothers Planes to the Rescue”, “Sonic Attacks”, and now “Chinese Spy Base in Cuban Land”, among thousands of other lies. The methodology consists in telling a lie, using it for a while to harm Cuba in Congress and/or the United States government, after achieving the goal of harming Cuba, silencing the trick in a veil of insurmountable silence, never admitting that it was a lie and “not talking about it anymore.” “. The only aim is to maintain or increase the aggressions against Cuba, and for this, new lies are needed periodically, however credible they may be, that can only be used for a while for this sinister purpose.

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Jose R Gold

Towards a world free of nuclear weapons and the Panama Canal

On Friday, August 26, 2022, we participated in a meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which the issue of Panama’s candidacy for the position of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2024 was discussed.

July Yao

La Juliana: A Revolution Against the Oligarchy

The beginning of the twentieth century witnessed three events of enormous global impact, which are usually highlighted in contemporary history: the beginning of the phase of capitalist imperialism and with it the rise of the United States as a new world power; The First World War (1914-1917) occurred. In addition, the Russian Revolution (1917) that inaugurated the era of socialism began.

Juan Jose Paz and Mineo Cepeda

Nicholas Guillen, journalist

On the occasion of the 121st birthday of Cuba’s national poet Nicolás Guillén, the various aspects of the literary personality of the great Camaguyan will be touched upon, especially with regard to his poetry, rich in themes, rhythms and rhythms. Rhythms, virtues that are only possible in the originators of such a primitive mental restlessness.

Jose Luis Diaz Granados

Best Regards, Select Corporate Editor


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