Monday, March 10, 2025

Astronomers discover an exoplanet in which years last 16 hours

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Insterstellar (2014, Christopher Nolan) presented us in an astonishing and fascinating way how space travel can be and the challenges facing humanity in such scenarios. for years, Astronomers discover exoplanets all types, Some are particularly curious For its qualities and capabilities in harboring life. Now a team of scientists has discovered A giant exoplanet, with a mass about five times the mass of Jupiter and a peculiar property: years in it barely last 16 hours.

TOI-2109b Mystery: A Very Special Exoplanet Pegasidium

On this distant planet over the years, because Close to you with your starIt only lasts 16 hours. TOI-2109b, belonging to the class of hot jupters or pegasidia, is a giant exoplanet that will be close to 35% larger than Jupiter – It is located in our solar system – It weighs about five times more than the aforementioned planet and has a series of characteristics quite different from those recorded on other occasions. In the study published in Astronomical Journal It is registered by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), highlights that the distance between an exoplanet and its parent star is approximately 2.4 million kmThis is a relatively small distance when compared to the distance between Mercury and the Sun (57.9 million km).

NASA outside the solar system

This short distance explains the length of his meager years, barely 16 hours. For this must be added to this planet, Too far from Earth, in the so-called orbital decay, indicating that it is dangerously close to its parent star. Due to its close proximity to the Sun, The temperature on the day side of an exoplanet reaches 3,226 °C, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is the second hottest planet yet discovered, just behind KELT-9b, which exceeds 7,400 degrees on its surface.

“In a year or two, if we’re lucky, we can figure out how the planet approaches its star. We’ll never see the planet fall into its star, but give it another 10 million years and that planet may not exist.”explained Ian Wong, one of the study’s authors, who also confirmed that the gaseous exoplanet would be covered in oceans and very violent tides. What happens on the cold or night side of the TOI-2109b? No. M “Is it too cold out there, or does the planet somehow transfer heat from the daytime side to the night side? We’re trying to answer that question in the case of very hot Jupiters,” concludes Avi Shporer, Research Scientist at the Institute.. Kavli Professor of Astrophysics and Space Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That means we’re going to be facing a planet that will have a really hot face and an almost icy one, in equilibrium, hit by tides and oceans of gas at very different temperatures. It seems that we will have to look for another candidate as the new and future home of humanity.

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