Sunday, March 9, 2025

At the end of April this amazing phenomenon will arrive

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Yet erotic Total solar eclipse Which occurred last Monday, April 8, and covered Mexico, the United States and Canada in shadow for a few more moments An astronomical phenomenon of great magnitude It will happen in space with the conjunction of the planets Uranus and Jupiter, which will cause a shocking impact on Earth.

With racing hearts and a look of amazement, the citizens of North America greeted the arrival of a dazzling solar eclipse, but after its completion, a new astronomical event would have its impact on planet Earth. With the transit between Uranus and Jupiter, the energies of both planets will unite, generating surprising consequences.

The total solar eclipse last Monday, April 8, stunned residents of Mexico, the United States and Canada, covering specific areas in shadow for up to four minutes.

picture:Getty Images

In an interview with the American media New York PostAn astrologer explained that during this phenomenon, “periods of growth and turmoil occur in multiple areas,” and when this happens in Taurus, it enhances “New beginnings and rapid changes in finance, agriculture, food production, values ​​and our relationship with nature.”

This unusual astronomical phenomenon occurs approximately every 14 years, most recently in 2010 during Aries. During the events of the Arab Spring, WikiLeaks coincided with the publication of secret documents containing information about American war crimes and the launch of SpaceX. In the case of Taurus, the last time this phenomenon occurred during the sign was in 1941.

What will happen during the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter?

According to the information collected by the aforementioned website, in the phenomenon that occurred in 1941, the end of the raids occurred, the birth of the historical musician Bob Dylan, and the decoding of the mystery occurred. It was decisive in the outcome of World War II and the fall of Nazi Germany.

As such, the effects of this conjunction will be felt for several weeks afterwards, causing changes, growth and discomfort in the areas associated with Earth. In contrast, with regard to individuals, Taurus is associated with self-esteem and with all the signs of the zodiac, but especially Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius can face crises and catharsis when determining who they are and what they do. They deserve it.

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