A historic moment in New York's post-epidemic recovery, Broadway celebrated the return of some of its biggest concerts after an 18 - month shutdown from the Corona virus.Hamilton, Evil, The Lion King And Chicago They resume their activities for...
Thanks to New Zealand's 36-13 win over Los Biomas and the Springbox 30-17 defeat to Australia. All Blocks will return to the top of the world rugby world rankings after two years.That’s the other important change that happens Wallabies,...
(Adjusts title) Game Writing, Sept. 18 (EFE) Victory over South Africa.By EFESeptember 18, 2021 - 10:46Both matches took place at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane and in the second half the All-Blacks' dominance was confirmed by a 36-13 win...
On your side, Australia regularly reports more than 2,000 community infections per week Although he limited the inhabitants of the cities Chutney, Melbourne, Canberra And spreading to other rural areas of the country Delta variation From the middle of...
Air New Zealand and Airbus have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on a project to identify opportunities and challenges for hydrogen-powered aircraft flying over New Zealand. The joint venture aims to contribute to the airline's plans...
16 September 2021 - 11:09 pmThe fossil of this species was discovered in 2006 by a group of children at a summer camp. A recent study published in the journal Spine Archeology pointed out that this is a...
The ocean is one of the most attractive and less explored ecosystems on the planet. Above, at a depth of 200 to 1,000 meters, is the Mesopelogic or Twilight Zone, where only a small amount of sunlight reaches....
Masks? They are invisible. Social exclusion? No.DPAJune 20, 2021 - 08 p.m.When the leader River 60, Mattie Walter, Tune hit Forever, The weather will explode. Some 50,000 fans This Band Rock New...