Monday, March 10, 2025

BABY SURPRISE: A young Brazilian woman went into labor minutes before Taylor Swift’s concert in Rio de Janeiro

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Maria Eduarda Mendes, 24, never imagined that her attendance at Taylor Swift’s concert would turn into her impending birth (G1/ EFE/EPA/SARAH YENESEL)

“I missed part of the show, but obviously I didn’t hate it,” are the words of Maria’s friend Eduarda Mendes, a Brazilian fan of Taylor Swift. One of the American singer’s concerts in Rio de Janeiro was about to become an unexpected birth room for the young woman, according to what the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported. G1.

With the lights of Ingenhao Stadium ready for the show, Mendes expected to experience an unforgettable night of music, but what he did not imagine was that fate had prepared for him the biggest surprise of his life: Become a mother.

Since Sunday morning, the 24-year-old woman began feeling pain that she thought were cramps. However, he chose not to give it any attention and traveled from Cabo Frio to Rio de Janeiro to see his idol.

“The pain was intermittent, and I never thought it could be contractions. I was there from 10 a.m. until they opened the doors, waiting for the pain to go away.”Maria Eduarda reported to the media in Rio G1.

The young woman was not experiencing the usual signs of pregnancy and did not appear to have a baby bump, but she was 40 weeks old when she attended the party.

But this never happened. The pain did not disappear and intensified upon reaching the stadium. After experiencing stronger contractions as the line advanced to enter the stadium, the young woman sought rest in one of the stadium’s bathrooms. “As soon as I reached the chairs, the pain became severe, and I asked my friend to take my place so I could go to the bathroom. That’s when I felt the bag break. “The contraction was severe.”He remembers.

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Although she could not watch the concert, fate led Maria Eduarda to only listen to Taylor Swift’s music while she went to Salgado Filho Hospital in an ambulance for an examination. Ultrasound And then to Carmela Dutra Maternity Hospital, where her daughter, whom she named Maria Flor, was born..

The surprise was even greater when the doctor told her that she was in the fortieth week of pregnancy, something she had no idea about. “I just had to push for a natural birth. It was a complete surprise. I had my period. There was nothing that made me think this would happen, much less on the show,” the young mother shared. “When I arrived at the maternity ward, I was eight centimeters dilated.”.

Heatwaves, a dead fan and the birth of a baby: Taylor Swift’s eventful passage through Brazil (reference photo: @taylorswift)

His friend Fernando Junior, 23, witnessed the whole process, even when he thought Mendes’ pains were just cramps. Since she did not return from the stadium’s medical services, Fernando discovered that she had been transferred to the hospital, where he was able to accompany her during the final stages of childbirth.

And you can’t believe her condition María Eduarda did not have the typical signs of pregnancy and her figure did not show the obvious curves of a woman about to give birth. The situation was so surprising, she says, that it was only when the doctor confirmed a full-term pregnancy with an ultrasound that she realized the truth.

What could have been a traumatic event for many, for María Eduarda, turned into a moment of pure emotion and happiness. Despite her absence from a large part of the ceremony, the young woman highlighted the happiness she felt when she heard her daughter’s heartbeat for the first time.

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“Despite everything at the time, I really wanted her to be healthy and well. Now I want to focus on my daughter’s health, that she is 100% healthy, and Maybe one day I can take her to Taylor’s concert– said the mother, who proudly kept the bracelet from reciting birthmarks.

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