Monday, March 10, 2025

Bayona's twin brother who was with the director at the Oscars and counted the ceremony backstage on his cell phone

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If 96 would have stood for something Oscar party It was for him Such a family atmosphere Which has been breathing since the first minute. Yes Bradley Cooper She posed on the red carpet With his mother Gloria CampanoChris Hemsworth did it His wife, Elsa PatakyAnd Ryan Gosling with his sister MandyHis mother and stepfather couldn't waste this opportunity either. Juan Antonio Bayona (48).

catalan, He was nominated for two statues by Snow AssociationWith one of the movie's heroes, enzo Vugrincic, But not far from where journalists are concentrated Their loved ones were there His brother Twin Carlos and his parents, Piedad Bayona – seamstress and janitor in Madani Center – and Juan Antonio García, industrial painter Who instilled a passion for cinema in his children when he made posters. Moreover it was The man with his heart, Alejandro Navas (27) He works as a cinematic costume coordinator.Carlos is the firstborn for a few seconds, as doctors told his mother during birth Another was on the way. No one expected that.

At all times, it was Carlos Very concerned with his parents, It also appears in various videos recorded in the back room of the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, where the most important film festival on the planet was held. Your videos are an original point of view To what actually happens in a huge event with these characteristics.

The three of them were completely lost. But in bad weather, put on a good face. Carlos scored normally Little annoyances to know about Where they had to enter To take their seats. One of the most tender moments between Carlos and his parents occurred as they walked through the wide hallway where the stairs were where they had to reach the interior of the building. So that they would not worry, he said to them: “Mama, yes, Marie (in Catalan), if I don’t answer your phone it’s because I can’t.”

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As soon as he arrived in the hall, Carlos wanted to Take lots of selfies With Piedad and Juan Antonio. And in the second I wanted The stairs can be seen in the background As the guests were boarding the plane, all of a sudden, “Oh, surprise,” when I pressed the button he sneaked in at that moment Actress and singer Ariana Grande (30). “A selfie of my dad with Ariana Grande!” the director’s brother admitted with a laugh. Shortly after, he posted on his stories in a humorous tone: “When Ariana Grande ruins your selfie with your parents at the Oscars.”

Like his brother, Carlos is dedicated to expressing emotions through himE Music production and session management From DJ. Both are in charge of the production company La Trini, which pays homage in this way to the film The peripheral neighborhood in his childhood, Trinitate Vila, one of the most modest areas of Barcelona that belongs to the San Andrés district. “One day, I'm going to make a movie about the time we went to the schoolyard and… We've seen addicts get caught in the fence While we were eating the cut sandwich. “It was powerful, but it wasn’t dramatic,” Juan Antonio Bayona said at the beginning of his film success. the orphanage (2007). The two brothers They are very united Since forever.

Currently Carlos Resident at the Razzmatazz room in Barcelona, One of the most popular nightclubs and concert halls in Barcelona. Music is the leitmotif of his life, but he sometimes abandons his temporary style for a time since 1996 in order to… Help Juan Antoniojust as he did in Snow Association When before Role of helicopter pilot Who rescues survivors of a plane crash in the Andes. Carlos is also as reserved as his brother and from the few details known it appears so He is the father of a girl.

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Snow Association It was nominated for two Oscars, one for Best International Film and the other for Best Makeup and Hairstyling, but Finally it was empty. However, as Juan Antonio commented before the ceremony began, “We are very happy with everything the film has achieved. We are overwhelmed. “70 or 80 of us come from Spain and whatever happens we will celebrate it.”

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