Monday, March 10, 2025

Biotechnology provides benefits to the environment according to experts

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according to data subordinate United nations (United nations), million species They are in danger of extinction due to the loss of their habitat. In this context, it was developed Biotechnology get benefit from Metabolic capacity of microorganisms Thus, the environment helps. In this way, engineering systems are used to generate renewable energy from industrial waste.

Since 1973, every June 5 Celebrating World Environment Day after existence established by United nations. Today, however, the planet faces a triple environmental emergency: Global warming, habitat loss and pollution.

In this sense, Ignacio Parada, CEO of vital elementsCommented on Notepress That biotechnology is a reality within everyone’s reach. Inside the company, packaging products are manufactured using BioE-8 . resincontaining the substance Bio-basedAnd the renewable s Biodegradable able to help the environment.

One of the current challenges, according to the CEO, is Meet the needs of the populationWhich includes food and its packaging. Before biodegradable materials, plastic was a popular material due to its low manufacturing cost and flexibility. but only 20 percent of plastic It is recycled around the world according to World Economic Forum.

For this reason, there is currently resins Created with Biotechnology that offer the same benefits plastic. However, they have the advantage of being made up of natural materials, It can even be composted. Even such packaging can be consumed by microorganisms, which contributes to the life cycle. In addition, it does not affect the environment as it is Toxic or toxic with heavy metals.

However, Parada explained that there are developments that are supposed to be biodegradable, but that use additives oxoWhich small portion plastic. Despite this, they do not reduce or accelerate biodegradation activity.

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Ignacio Parada added that progress allows the transformation of economies and societies by making them more inclusive, equitable and respectful of nature. On the other hand, the specialist Institute of Biology of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Claudia Lisbeth Moctezuma, considers that science should be done with moral values. This is in order to provide a good or service to humanity.

according to text Biotechnology in Mexico from the Faculty of Economics From UNAM, biotechnology is referred to as a science that represents a Environmental Opportunity. Since Mexico has Biodiversity s gift or grant From You know?which can be a source of experimentation and supplying genetic material.

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