Monday, March 10, 2025

BitPay payments via Bitcoin Lightning have doubled in less than a year

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Bitcoin (BTC) payments via the Lightning Network (LN) on shopping platform BitPay have grown by 238% since its integration in April last year.

In his recent post BlogBitPay has shared some stats regarding the use of the Lightning Network for BTC payments. Specifically in relation to the growth of purchases made via LN and the wallets or wallets most used by its users for this purpose.

BitPay closed 2022 with over 1,000 monthly payments processed via LN Source: BitPay

As can be seen from the above diagram, In mid-2022, there was a surge in BTC payments through BitPay’s Lightning Network. Although the tide has stopped, shopping through the second-layer Bitcoin network is still more popular among users of the shopping platform.

Most popular wallet among BitPay users

BitPay also provided statistics on the wallets most used by their customers who buy via LN. The most popular has turned out to be Muun, a wallet developed in Latin AmericaMore specifically in Argentina. This wallet was rated best for beginners in the CriptoNoticias article and not only for use with the Lightning Network, but also on the main Bitcoin network.

Satoshi Wallet, CashApp and Blue Wallet track Muun among the most used wallets for bitcoin payments via LN. It should be noted that Blue recently announced that the Lightning Network node they provide to their users will stop working, so they have been urged to withdraw their funds in LN.

The Bitfinex exchange was also among the most popular wallets for LN payments on BitPay. fountain: BitPay

From the Twitter account of Breez Wallet, a wallet that also handles BTC payments via the Lightning Network, they asked How does BitPay know which wallet its customers are paying withbearing in mind that this information is not disclosed in the LN transactions.

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Several BitPay users responded to the pending question that in BitPay you have to answer, in some form of wallet, that the payment will be made through. However, this form of plural is not reliable for two reasons.

Firstly, There are a limited number of options to choose from on this template, so there are a number of wallets that cannot be identified. In addition, a person can comment that he will pay from one wallet and pay from another, just to tilt the outcome in favor of someone else.

When BitPay embraced Bitcoin Lightning Network payments, one of its founders, Tony Gallippi, commented that the LN integration “gives customers more choice and merchants more ways to get paid.”

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