Monday, March 10, 2025

Bogotá: The suspended director of Health Subnetwork speaks – Bogotá

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The Minister of Health of Bogotá suspended Temporarily this week in Management subordinate Subnet the health The Middle EastAnd the Claudia Ardellaarguing for the “serious results” of a special audit carried out by order of the said entity and Subred’s board of directors, based on “multiple complaints and user complaints”.

Private audit, such as the visit report by the National Health Supervisory Authority, warns of 36 possible outcomes, among them the appointment of personnel, in the portfolio group, in management to correct non-compliance in the supply of medicines, recognition of obligations that do not meet the standards and inappropriate fees to EPS for Services not provided.

The Minister of Health, Alejandro Gómez, at the press conference announcing the decision against the official, also indicated that it was the third suspension and that Ardila had not been declared invalid because she had been appointed for a 4-year term.

The day before, Confess, an organization headed by the mayor and composed of five members of the local cabinet, including the Health Council, rejected Sobride’s request to add 29 billion pesos to the budget, stating that “administrative conditions do not provide sufficient guarantees to take this Kind of a decision.” And on the same day, hours after the comment, the addendum was approved.

EL TIEMPO spoke with Dr. Claudia Ardella about the new commentary, internal audit and superhealth audit. The official emphasized that she is not comfortable with the administration and that it has not been proven at any time that it is corrupt.

The Middle East sub-network includes 6,200 workers, from factories and through service contracts, five hospitals and 19 health centers, with a budget of 363,000 million pesos annually.In addition to the new San Juan de Dios Hospital project.

(Why the director of the Eastern Central Health Sub-Network in Bogotá was suspended)

Why did the mayor hang it again?

The mayor’s office wanted my suspension for 12 months, in addition to the inability to hold public office, and I’m requesting preferential authorization for the attorney general’s office because I consider the penalty to be excessive. The attorney general’s office, at last, stopped me for 3 months, due to a contract entered into due to the participation of a family member in a directive order. This is a disciplinary offense. I just got back from suspension, which started on the 19th of April and ended on the 28th of July.

The other two occasions were temporary suspensions, but not sanctions. One of the figures, between March and June, and now the mayor’s office, since August 11. Temporary suspension to prevent the official from interfering or obstructing the investigation. After 3 months, if there is no advantage, I can go back to the job without penalty and they will pay me the fees they don’t pay me.

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Is the argument for the new comment the findings of the internal audit?

Check quotes. Since they couldn’t get Supersalud to suspend or penalize me, due to the operation being executed, the Board of Directors is requesting an extraordinary audit of the subnet managementYola Peña, who hires seven individuals and is based on a Supersalud audit, who has conducted an audit for over a month and provided 36 findings, many of them administrative, i.e. they are not from punishment, and others, disciplinary action and due legal process must be provided so that the person is discharged and can Explain the reasons for those results, which are in plan for improvement.

Were these people just hired to do the review?

Yes, the terms of the contract state that to perform the audit required by the board of directors, they are auditing Supersalud. Extraordinary auditing does not have the rigor and legal or regulatory qualifications, which they cannot do. That report led to this temporary suspension.

Claudia Ardella

Claudia Lucia Ardella, Director of the Central Eastern Health Sub-Network in Bogotá.

Why are you saying they couldn’t suspend your business because of this scrutiny?

Superhealth has just come out and we’ll have to wait for a serious oversight entity, like Super, to release its concept. The higher authority must communicate disciplinary, financial or criminal findings to the relevant regulatory entities, and undertake these mandates.

There were no legal actions in the comment?

There is no. They notify me and as soon as they suspend me, they don’t give me a chance to defend myself.

But there are some results of the Supersalud visit, which speak of 36 results …

These 36 findings are from procedures that have not been done well enough. Procedures fail sometimes, but they are administrative matters, and there is no kind of corrupt intent. We do not have a complaint from a patient who has not been adequately treated, despite these significant administrative difficulties.

There are even potential tax discoveries

These potential tax outcomes should go to an entity, such as the Comptroller’s Office, which will give us the opportunity to clarify. It adheres to due process of law.

(Alerts about anomalies in the Bogotá Health Sub-Network)

What do you think of Confis’ decision not to analyze the budget addition request because it sees no guarantees?

Confis says that in order to find administrative results that do not give a guarantee. It’s a very light argument. They’re talking about a person, Claudia Ardella as a manager. They tell me not to give guarantees when the regulators prove absolutely nothing to me. I have never been punished for an act of corruption.

Could the Confess decide not to study the application?

They don’t have that competition. The Ministry of Health has handed over all documents to Confis to approve or disapprove the request of 14 billion pesos for final availability and 15,500 million for potential collection as of December 31. It is a procedure that I ask to be investigated. He did not analyze the request, putting the health of more than 1.7 people in the subnet at risk because my budget ran out on August 15th. 689 people were hospitalized on Monday and 189 in the emergency room.

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I left on Wednesday and the same day the add was approved. Can it be done?

It was unusual not to experience Confis when we introduced it. On August 8, he gave all guarantees. The Minister of Health, with his signature, says I am asking for approval in Confis. What appears here? As soon as I get off my comment, they put Dr. Yeola Peña back in, and that same night they approved my $14 billion with the same documents.

Do not want them in the subnet management?

naturally. It’s the person. The topic is a personal and political persecution of Claudia, for reasons I do not know.

Do you feel uncomfortable?

I suppose because they keep me away, they don’t say anything to me, they are upset with my presence and want me to leave. I’m a tech, not a politician, and I don’t come to the subnet for political support, and that could be my weakness. You come on merit.

Why do you think Yoola Peña has been appointed to replace you in two comments?

Because he is fully trusted by the Minister of Health and abides by the orders of the Secretary

Corferias Hospital

Corferias Hospital’s work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does Corferias have to do with all this? what happened?

Corferias is the county’s preparation plan in the event a large number of non-low-complexity coronavirus patients need to be taken. Corferias had 2,000 beds and I had to wait there for non-Covid patients from clinics and hospitals until they could provide the beds and care for the most critical patients.

Fortunately, residents complied with the mayor’s order not to go out and confine themselves, and people did not consult emergency services for various symptoms. What reached hospitals and clinics was Covid and was not a target for Corferias. Clinics encountered administrative difficulties in referring patients to Corferias.

Fortunately, our clinics and hospitals responded to the request of COVID-19 patients and none of them died at the hospital door without oxygen or from lack of bed. Sure enough there was an immersive ability, but they turned up.

Corferias at one point supported the Secretariat to receive COVID-19 patients who were leaving hospital units in better condition and in need of little oxygen.

So Corferias didn’t need to be filled up?

Fortunately not, because it would have been a disaster if we had not responded to the epidemic.

Was Corferias a failure or not?

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No. Thank God it wasn’t crowded. It was a health institution prepared in the event that the demand for patients exceeded and did not exceed.

But it was a sense of honesty that…

Perhaps, because the minister said Corferias was a failure, I don’t know what he wanted with Corferias.

Santa Clara Hospital

On December 4, 2020, amid the outbreak of the epidemic, a party was held for workers from the administrative district of Santa Clara Hospital.

And the Pandemic Party in Santa Clara…

We were in a pandemic and some guys are shown in a video dancing. It is an unfortunate fact. But this was an excuse because she was already uncomfortable, and it bypassed the problem of not receiving patients at Corferias, which was not received at Corferias.

You got suspended for lying to the council in that party case…

They told me I was hiding information from the board, claiming that I learned about the December (2020) party. I did not know that. Found out in January, during the discussion in the Council of the Minister of Health. And on March 15 of that year, three months later, they took out my voice, saying “If it’s official, take it with care and we’ll talk on Monday.” It is not known with whom I am speaking, neither the subject nor when it was. Although they wanted to prove that he lied, but this is one of the worst tests that have been made, he lacks all the rigor.

But this comment was from Personería…

The person suspends me, but does not punish me, because by this voice it cannot be proven that I have lied to the council.

What is your relationship with the Minister of Health?

A little bit.

Since when did that relationship break off?

Since August 2020. First, because of the refusal to take Embera to Corferias, which was a licensed institution of health. Taking healthy people was considered embezzlement. Secondly, they wanted to move the family groups from Tercer Milenio (a garden) to Corferias, which did not have the correct locations, and when Embera discovered the area, they decided it was not the right place.

What is the status of the Middle East Health Sub-Network?

If the Confess agreed to 14 billion we got it up to September 15th. The remaining 15 billion did not agree with us. We arrived until the 15th of September and there we don’t know what will happen.

What is the status of the other health subnets in the city?

The four subnets are in a precarious financial position. This is why they asked to add the budget to Confis. It is a situation in the health sector, not only in the Middle East.

Guillermo Reynoso Rodriguez
Bogota Publisher
On Twitter: @guirei24

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