Monday, March 10, 2025

BOPRAL will be exempt from restrictions affecting other assets

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February 5, 2024 – at 20:47

The Board of Directors of the National Securities Commission (CNV) exempted BOPREAL from certain restrictions on operations in tradable securities with settlement in foreign currency, unified the maximum daily amounts of operations and eliminated restrictions on the private portfolio of ALYCs.

CNV: BOPREAL will be exempt from restrictions affecting other assets

CNV: BOPREAL will be exempt from restrictions affecting other assets

Board of Directors of the National Securities Commission (CNV) BOPREAL is exempt from certain restrictions on transactions in tradable securities which are settled in foreign currency. In addition, it standardized the daily maximum transactions and eliminated the restrictions on the private ALYCs wallet.

Following the measures adopted by the BCRA through Communication “A” 7918, the CNV decided through RG 990: Modify and cancel some requirements and limits Regarding operations Buying and selling tradable securities with payment in foreign currency.

In this regard, the President of CNV stressed, “We are committed in the short term to strengthening measures aimed at normalizing the market and… BOPREAL is one of the market instruments provided by BCRA to settle importers' debts“.

The modifications are intended to Except for marketable securities issued by BCRA (BOPREAL) regarding Commitment to the minimum portfolio holding period for processing the issuance of transfers to foreign depository entities Of these tradable securities acquired by settlement in the national currency.

On the other hand, conditions and limits were unified, rising to 200 million per day for operations and transfers of tradable securities abroad. EXCEPT BOPREAL FROM BOUNDARIES AND INFORMATION SYSTEM It was previously required to process the issuance of remittances to depository entities abroad and arrange their sale in the country with settlement in foreign currency.

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In this case, as long as, These tradable securities could have been acquired through an initial offering or tender process up to the aggregate subscribed nominal value of the types mentioned.

next to, The specific requirements and conditions necessary to complete and settle operations are canceled in their entirety. With nominated tradable fixed income securities payable in US dollars issued by the Argentine Republic and with Argentine certificates of deposit (the rice), through those sub-accounts covered by the private portfolio concept and qualified investors.

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