Sunday, March 9, 2025

Camila’s unusual fall during a training session at Cuestión de Peso: “I wanted to walk without my hands”

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Camilla Denizsister Thiago Medina the previous Big brother 2022 (Telephone), one of the participants in the current season of Weight issue (The Thirteen). In the reality show, during one of the challenges, he had to ride a bike again. However, while riding, he suffered a hard fall because he made a sudden decision to ride without using his hands.

“Steering wheel crack and crossed arms. What do you want to do?” I asked him. Mario MassassiThe show host Camilla is seen on screen as she falls. The participants in the course had gone out on their bikes to exercise. “I haven’t done that in two years. Before that I was walking without hands and I wanted to try,” she said, laughing as she watched the video of her fall.

“Falling is not a journey,” she explained, and everyone on the show burst out laughing, because she had mistakenly said the classic phrase “a journey is not a fall” backwards. “No, he fell!” nutritionist Sergio Verón said at the time. “It’s just that I walk without my hands,” Deniz explained. While everyone was giving their opinion on Camila’s attempt not to use the steering wheel, the driver made a funny remark. “The problem is that when you walk without hands, you can later walk without teeth, which is very expensive,” Massassise ended the moment with a sneer.

Camila Cabello’s Weight Loss Downfall

At the beginning of this season Weight issueCamilla started a relationship with her. Marceloanother contestant on the show whose appeal was instant. However, a few weeks ago, it all came to an end, or at least, they were at some point The Dilemma.

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Since returning to the screen last May, the historical series has seen a huge increase in popularity, which has been reflected in its high viewership. However, it is not all about health and nutrition, life stories also play a role. In this sense, What’s called Camelota He also found space for love that continued outside of the television context.

“On Sunday I woke up, and went to my father’s house to spend some time with him. After that I saw myself with Mark“We went for coffee, talked a lot about stuff,” she said, before sharing photos she took of the spot: “Well, our Sunday date is already over. Sunday, right? What did we do today? We went for a walk, we went shopping, well, we’re done,” she described in a video she shared on her Instagram profile with the link caption.

Although the relationship seemed to be going through a good moment, something seemed to have broken. Rodrigo Lucic, who replaced Massaccesi as host of the show, consulted Camila about her emotional situation. The participant, who was clearly affected, explained that she had decided to end the relationship after verifying the authenticity of some chats that had hurt Marcelo.

Camilla on weight

The young man in question was not present in the studio due to personal problems that led to his absence: “I decided to cut him off because there were some messages. “They sent me a prisoner, I asked him and he said yes,” Camila confessed, explaining that the messages were sent to her by the girl Marcelo was talking to.Everyone knows what they are doing and their decision.“He stated that.

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Afterwards, they began to broadcast images of what happened at breakfast between the participants, each of whom talked about what was happening. Marcelo explained what he had been going through in recent days, explaining: “This weekend was complicated, but not with the treatment, before last night we had to lose a friend and we were with the family and my best friend.” She was not with Camila in those days because she was planning a trip.

For her part, the participant seemed emotionally frustrated, and when asked about the present state of the relationship, she said:I came with a different head. With a different mindset. I don’t like little kids. You’re making me one, bye“Shoot without a filter in front of everyone. That’s when Welcome, The GauchoHe tried to find out more about what was happening and asked if love was over. “No, I didn’t. He fell out of love, I guess.”

I climbed on a stick and fell into temptation. You have to be prepared for the nets, they are not for everyone.A”, and explained what happened. She was the one who explained at the time: “It seems that he was looking for support elsewhere. I respect him as a teammate, nothing more. “And if you do it to me once, you’ll do it to me 10,000 times, so I’d rather be open. I wanted that, and playing with dirty things like that doesn’t suit me.” Asked by Teleshow about the issue, Camila preferred not to comment further on the incident..

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