Sunday, March 9, 2025

Capcom introduces the REX Engine, an evolution of its versatile graphics engine

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Capcom introduces the REX Engine, an evolution of its versatile graphics engine

The upper echelons of Capcom decided to revamp their graphics engine technology, thus revealing the main advantages of the so-called “Rex engine“, which is an evolution of the “RE Engine”, the self-made technological solution that the house has used in recent years. As explained by the entertainment company, this new engine will be responsible for “expanding the diversification of the scope of its projects”, with the main goal of improving efficiency in asset processing and customization levels. .

From Resident Evil VII

To find the first title ported using the RE Engine, you have to go back to the premiere of ‘Resident Evil VII, was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2017. Since that moment, the technology has served those responsible for the production of superhero films such as “Monster Hunter Rise”, “Devil May Cry 5”, “Exoprimal” and even “Street Fighter 6”. ”. Other important works such as “Pragmata” and “Dragon’s Dogma 2” also use its structure.

According to Capcom’s announcement, the “REX Engine” is short for “RE neXt Engine” and promises to deliver five times more power than the current engine. Keeping in mind that this is an “evolution” and not a technology created from scratch, there are many possibilities that it will start using it in some of their titles with a release date soon. Although its functions are described sparingly, the directors of the famous video game house have not explained which of their patents they will start using from now on. Considering that we only have confirmed production “Pragmata”, “Dragon’s Doctrine 2”, and “Kunetsu-gami: Path of the Goddess”, The path is uncertain and raises some doubts. Leaks go a little further, pointing to new chapters for franchises like “Monster Hunter” and “Mega Man,” but nothing has been officially confirmed by the production company.

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Positive financial balance

It is worth noting that on a financial level, Capcom is going through a good plan, especially in terms of popularity, with releases that have become accustomed to occupying spaces among the bestsellers on each platform. For example, the Resident Evil 4 Remake has reached 5.45 million units shipped since its launch. “Street Fighter 6” also performs reasonably well 2.4 million sales More players will need to register as additional characters start being released and the online seasons reach some speed. “Exoprimal” for its part, as a new brand, is in the initial stage of its journey and has not yet reached 1 million units sold. According to company reports, the video game will take new measures to increase the size of the group before the end of the fiscal year. However, with sufficient support, it is difficult for the ambitious project to take off.

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