Monday, March 10, 2025

Chemist’s Day, December 1st: Phrases We Celebrate, Origin, and Why December 1st is Celebrated in Mexico | Happy chemist’s day | Eid dates | Mexico | CDMX | MX | Mexico

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Find out all the details of this celebration. A chemist contributes to clinical chemistry, the branch of clinical laboratory science that studies in the laboratory NS in vivo From the biochemical properties, in order to provide information for the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases. Given this, in December 1st has been designated as the day of all alchemists, to commemorate their great contributions to society.

More than 70 million substances make up the world of chemistry, a fundamental science that studies matter, its composition, structure and properties. Also how are the reactions resulting from the molecules that compose it. But this science, without specialists in it, would not be possible. Then all the details in the following paragraphs.

Why is it celebrated on December 1st in Mexico?

In 1948, in Havana, Cuba, within the framework of the Pan American Congress of Chemistry and Pharmacology, Maria de la Zaldo Arredondo proposed a date to celebrate professionalism in this field, and thus defended herself on December 1 for this recognition.

In Mexico, the organism focused on specialists in the area is the Mexican Chemical Society, founded on March 16, 1956 and formed on August 27 of the same year, by a group of prominent chemists headed by chemist Rafael Eliscas Frisbe and Jose Ignacio Bolivar Guyanese, and chemical engineers Manuel Madrazo Jaramindi, Guillermo Cortina Anceola, and the Qatar Football Championship. Maria del Consuelo Hidalgo Mondragon.

Dr. Maria del Consuelo Hidalgo Mondragon, Member of the Chemical Society, remember that “On the occasions on which we have met professionals from various branches of chemistry, since the 1940s, the issue we have often addressed has been the need and suitability of having a community bringing together all professionals in chemistry, of all branches, and of all institutions.”

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Best phrases to celebrate Pharmacist’s Day

  • “The inner life mechanism, the chemistry of the parts, a beautiful thing. All life is interconnected with the rest of life.” – Richard B
  • “Chemistry is necessarily an empirical science: conclusions are drawn from data and principles are supported by evidence of facts”. – Michael Faraday
  • “We think there’s no color, we think it’s not sweet, we think it’s not bitter, but in reality there are atoms and emptiness.” – Democritus
  • Biochemistry is the science of life. All our life processes, walking, talking, moving or eating.” – Aaron Sichanover
  • “Meeting two people is like coming into contact with two chemicals: if there’s a reaction, they both convert.” – Carl Jung
  • “The language of chemistry does not match the language of biology. Chemistry is about substances and how they interact, while biology is about information and organization.” – Paul Davies

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