Monday, March 10, 2025

Chile presents project winners in last submission tender

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Chile presents project winners in last submission tender

The Colombian state-owned Electric Interconnection (ISA) was left with the largest share, in terms of the amount of investment required, in Tender transfer in Chile.

Network Coordinator CEN He was looking for bidders for five lots and one independent project. The total investment is 300 million US dollars.

The authorities granted rights to “implement and exploit” new businesses and to “create and implement” expansion works.

The tender complies with Ordinances 229 and 185. In Chile there are no other tenders underway for its transfer.

Batch 1: ISA

The company has acquired this piece of new and expansion business with an estimated value of US$194 million.

ISA must build the substation Nueva Lagunas and 2×500 kV transmission line Nueva Lagunas Kimal, according to the award notice. The company offered an annual transfer value per division (VAT) of US$14.7 million.

The value added tax includes the annual cost of operation, maintenance and management, in addition to the annual reimbursement of the value of the investment.

For the expansion works, it will have to increase the capacity of the Nueva Lagunas-Laguna extension of the Tarabaca-Laguna 2 x 220 kV power line and the 500 kV Kimal substation expansion. ISA has offered related investment of $3.98 million and $2.62 million.

Six of the nine eligible bidders competed for the first lot. The group that attracted the most bids (7) was group 3.

Thehey two: Celio Networks Chile

The company won the contract with a value-added tax proposal of $4.64 million for new construction and a total of $12.1 million in investment value for three expansion projects.

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Package 3: ENGIE Energy Chile

The company obtained it by providing a value-added tax of US$ 1.01 million for new business and investing US$ 1.14 million for the expansion project.

Package 4 and a solo project: transmile

The Transemel Electric Transmission Company was awarded batch 4 and the project known as Individual 7.

For the new construction work of Plot 4, the company offered a value-added tax of US$ 1.37 million and expansion works with an investment of US$ 1.71 million.

For person 7, for new construction, Transemel has proposed a value-added tax of $593,768.

batch 5

CEN announced that the tender for this quantity is invalid due to the lack of economic bids.

Source: CEN

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