Monday, March 10, 2025

Chinese robot that will soon perform complex brain surgeries

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The advancement of medical technology opens up a world of endless possibilities, with the help of artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

MicroNeuro: The Chinese AI robot that will soon perform complex brain surgeries
Image of the automated brain operating system called MicroNeuro.

Not on the few occasions we have told you about Mix between Technological progress and science, an obvious example is those known as biorobots, and it might seem like something magical or cognitive science fiction to venture a few years ago to speculate on this type of innovation. Now, we want to introduce you to a MicroNeuro System.

Brain surgery through a new robotic system

from Chinese media Southern China Morning Post We get a launch story automated system Create it Center for Artificial Intelligence and RoboticsSponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The invention could be the key in the evolution of processes in the brain, in the not too distant future, since Three tests have been completed out of order in the corpses.

Micro Neuro Doctors and surgeons are allowed to perform Complex surgeries In one of the most sensitive parts of the body As minimally invasive as possible. Currently, this type of operation requires tools that damage the tissue and that is why being approached with such a new technology is really interesting. Liu HongbinCorporation Executive Director, confirmed which – which:

Brain surgery is the type of surgery that needs technology the most, as it is a very dangerous procedure. Surgeons really want to use AI and technological innovations to make these types of procedures less invasive than they are now.

Using augmented reality and artificial intelligence, the MicroNeuro System He is capable of it Reduce tissue damage in fifty%. The tests we mentioned earlier used techniques often applied in procedures to remove brain tumors, where they work in the central part of the brain.

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Yes, there is still challenges to overcome In the coming months, such as making the automated system meet Chinese regulations And start clinical trials on live patients. In addition, since AI is an essential part of the system, those responsible for the project stress that they “cannot rely entirely on Nvidia AI serversEspecially after the problems with exporting chips to train AI models. king Liu Hongbin confirms which – which:

I think we will face some challenges in the near future if we try to compete with international players in this arena. But I think in the long term, Chinese companies will catch up.

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