Sunday, March 9, 2025

Colombia team, Uribismo escape route

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Democratic Center directives They could not prevent sections of the party from leaning toward a “different team of Columbia candidates.” In principle it was banned, but in the face of the disapproval of many members of Congress, the decision left the rules free to vote for whomever they wanted.

Even Uribe’s presidential candidate, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, could not prevent this, despite his frequent calls for this. “I’m making a call so you vote on Sunday, March 13, for Senate candidates from the Democratic center and book the presidential vote for May 29, when we’ll make history together,” Zuluaga tweeted on Friday, a few hours before going to the polls.

Zuluaga knows that many uribistas will vote for Team Colombia’s primary candidates and that this determination will end up plotting against his luck as a presidential candidate. Several members of Congress for Oribesta who initially offered their support for the candidates to consult under the table ended up making it public.

Maria Fernanda Cabal, Who could be the senator with the most votes from the Democratic Center, confirmed to SEMANA that she would vote in the Colombia Consultation Team, for Alejandro Char. The Cabal liked Shar and Conservative candidate David Bargill, but leaned toward Shar. He said he’s a “big audience converter.”

Another Uribismo Senate candidate, Edward Rodriguez, ended up asking his followers directly to vote for Federico Gutiérrez. Gutiérrez is the favorite to win the center-right consultation, among other reasons, due to the huge support he will have from Uribismo.

Edward Rodriguez told SEMANA that Gutierrez, once he wins the referendum, should prepare for an alliance with other relevant sectors, as the Democratic Center’s presidential candidate, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, should be himself.

The point of difficulty for Uribismo is that, as Edward Rodriguez said, if the Equipo referendum of Colombia gets more than 4 million votes and Uribismo’s list for the Senate does not even reach half that number, Zuluaga will not negotiate a “capo” clause from the team to go to First round. Additionally, if Congressional support for the primary candidates to negotiate the winner is maintained through the first round, the Uribe candidate will have less choice to negotiate.

As things stand, this will be the first time, since Oribismo emerged on the electoral scene as a winner in 2002, that its presidential candidate has gone to the polls as a member of an alliance. Until 2018, these synergies led.

In any case, it is not easy for Uribismo to get into the arms of the Equipo from Colombia, through the back door, where Alvaro Uribe, the head of the party, and Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, the candidate, have publicly declared that they felt “mistreated” by the members of this affinity.

Zuluaga tried to enter the Colombia team to compete in the internal consultation, but Alejandro Char and Enrique Peñalosa slammed the door in his face.

Katya Newell and Alex Shar
KATIA NULE AND ALEX CHAR RECORD FOR COLOMBIA BOGOTA, January 26, 2022 Alexandra Rose Photographer – Photo: Alexandra Rose Boveda

In an interview with Maria Isabel Rueda, Shar admitted that he found Zuluaga’s arrival in the alliance uncomfortable because that group “He just wants to have people who do things but don’t attract.” After disdain for Char and Benalusa, Uribismo publicly renounced being part of this alliance. The announcement was made by Uribe and Zuluaga in Barranquilla.

Uribismo’s problem is that Zuluaga’s strength apparently isn’t enough to go alone in the first round and his ideological peers in Team for Colombia. At one point, Uribismo sent messages that they could ally themselves with engineer Rodolfo Hernandez, but he stagnated regarding voting intentions, which now casts doubt on that possibility.

The big unanswered question is whether Zuluaga He’ll go into the first lap on his own without enough power and that fact ends up opening up more space for Gustavo Pietro. But not all cards have yet been played in the presidential election. Some believe that the campaign will only start next Monday and that anything can happen.

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