Monday, March 10, 2025

Colombia’s Health Minister, Fernando Ruiz, is among the candidates to head the Pan American Health Organization

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Pictured is Colombia's Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.  Photo: Reuters/Louis Jaime Acosta
Pictured is Colombia’s Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz. Photo: Reuters/Louis Jaime Acosta

The The Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) List released Six candidates from Latin America to lead the organization for the next five years. Among them the current is included Colombian Health Minister, Fernando Ruiz.

The list includes doctors Camilo Allen (Provided by Panama); Garbas Barbosa da Silva Jr. (Provided by Brazil), Florence Duberval clouds (presented by Haiti); Nadine Flora Gazman Zilbermann (Provided by Mexico); Daniel Salinas (Provided by Uruguay) and Minister Ruiz were provided by the Colombian Government.

The Minister Ruiz is a doctor and holds a master’s degree in economics from Jafriana University; She also has Master of Public Health and Occupational Health from Harvard School of Public Healthin Boston, a doctor of public health from the National Institute of Public Health in Mexico, according to his biography published in the Department of Health.

Among the professional career of Fernando Ruiz, it is also highlighted, between 2013 and 2016 he held the position of Deputy Minister of Health. Likewise, he was the Scientific Director of the Cancer Treatment and Research Center Project, and the Director of the Center for Development Projects (Sendex) from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and was a co-founder and The first president of the Colombian Association of Health Economics (Acoes).

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The head of the health file was also part of WHO Executive Committeeled projects as a consultant to Pan American Health Organization In addition, he was a researcher at Colciencias.

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According to the Pan American Health Organization, the candidate who receives the majority of votes from member states will replace Carissa Etienne, who was at the head of the Pan American Health Organization for two terms. Once the vote is known, the chosen one will take office the next day February 1, 2023 and will expire on January 31, 2028.

“The next Director of the Pan American Health Office, the executive branch of the PAHO, will be elected at the 30th Pan American Health Conference, scheduled for September 26-30, 2022. The Conference will elect the Director from among the candidates by secret ballot. The candidate who obtains the The majority of Member State votes”, identified the Pan American Health Organization.

Prior to selecting the next Director of the organization, the CVs and cover letters of the nominees will be subject to evaluation by the Chair of the PAHO Executive Committee, Member States, Participating Countries and Associate Members of PAHO. .

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On June 2, the Ministry of Health reported that Colombia had been selected To be the country president of the US Network for Collaboration in the E-Health Field – RACSEL for its “leading position in the Americas region”.

During the regular meeting of the General Assembly, which was held in Chile, the engineer Constanza Engateva, Head of the Office of Information and Communication Technologies of the Ministry of Health, was appointed as the head of the network.

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“It is an honor and privilege to represent my country to ensure that we can continue to carry out this mission, as it has been worked on directly by the founders.”Male Engativa.

Appointment It will be valid for one yearwhere Colombia will be the spokesperson for the organization that seeks, among other things, the digital promotion of health.

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