Monday, March 10, 2025

Criticisms of Voin I Meer Prokofiev’s War and Peace in Munich

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By Ral Chamorro Mina
Munich, March 12, 2023. National Theater – Bavarian State Opera. Voin i mir – War and Peace, Previous reference. 91 (Sergei Prokofiev). Olga Kolchinska (Natasha Rostova), Andrei Zhelikovsky (Prince Andrei Bolkonsky), Arsen Sogomonyan (Count Pierre Bezukhov), Bezhod Davronov (Anatol Kuragin), Dmitry Ulyanov (Marshal Kotosov), Alexandra Yangel (Sonya) Olga Goryakova (Peronskaya/Saleswoman), Sergey Leverkus (Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky / Matuigo), Tamason (Napoleon), Dmitry Cheplikov (Denisov). Victoria Karacheva (Countess Helen Bezukhova). Bavarian State Opera Orchestra and Choir, Musical Direction: Vladimir Yurovsky. Stage direction: Dmitry Ternyakov.

Art should be above politics and any ideology. Geniuses, great artists, can appear and have in fact done so, from any latitude and from all ideological shades, even the most repulsive. Great artists do not have to be beautiful, blameless, honest, or exemplary citizens. In fact, they were often unrecommended people. It doesn’t matter, we are interested in its artistic side.

Russian culture is one of the most fertile in the entire world, as befits a large nation with such human wealth. It is a colossal world heritage, and to abandon it would mean the cultural impoverishment of all.

Among the geniuses offered by Russia are, of course, the writer Leo Tolstoy and the composer Sergei Prokofiev, though the latter being born in a town that today belongs to Ukraine, no one can doubt his Russian character for all purposes. The great musician managed to adapt to the lyrical stage of the monumental novel war and peace On his own advice and Mira Mendelssohn-Prokofieveva, the composer’s second wife. Both the work of the great writer and the brilliant composer should remain above, as high art, like Putin’s, as it was in his time the Soviet totalitarian regime and any political manifestation.

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I can only imagine the enormous pressures the Russians must have endured Vladimir Jurovsky And Dmitry ChernyakovAs well as the title of the Bavarian Opera to pull the title. The hypocritical and self-satisfied Western society – led by its stupid and ignorant politicians – suffers from a bizarre conscience for not getting more than fair with Ukraine in a war they don’t even want to see in the news. It must be the only war in the last century and a quarter we don’t see pictures of, while we are in the era of the greatest technology that humans have ever experienced.

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