Monday, March 10, 2025

CSSL Report 03/06/2023, Health and Safety Week in the Centers

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Report of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee (03-06-2023).

  • assistants: General Manager RR.HH. department heads. ANPEand STE, CCOO, CSIF, USO, and UGT
  • problemsHealth and Safety Week at CLM Learning Centers.

  1. Launching the Health and Safety Week at CLM Learning Centers.


The week will take place from April 24 to 28, coinciding with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. This year’s theme is “Safe and Healthy Environments”.

The campaign is scheduled to be launched on Thursday, March 9 through the media and the education portal itself

This activity falls within the line of publishing the strategic agreement “Implementing the Health and Safety Week in Educational Centers”.

They appreciate the collaboration of the Albacete School of Art, which is involved in designing the mascot for the programme, and the participation of the collaborating entities.

Although the week will be held on the dates specified, the previous activities in which projects will be developed to select and reward those selected will be carried out later during the Health and Safety Week.

The week contains several programs:

  • grow healthy. The center publishes a Diptych with 7 tips on healthy habits and the centers ask for collaborative participation of the mural on health education. Within the Health and Safety Week, a healthy breakfast is being promoted in the Education Centre.
  • environments 00. Which has two related activities:
    • Safe school environments. It is suggested that the education center, together with the municipalities, set a day within the Health and Safety Week in which traffic around the centers is cut and active mobility is promoted.
    • April 26th. Street physical activity day. The centers will promote active mobility outside the education center with activities such as cycling.

The following collaborating entities participate, among others, in the Health and Safety Week at CLM Learning Centers.

  • Welfare guards, from the College of Physical Therapists of Castilla la Mancha that promotes postural health. They create postural activity councils personally in educational centers that require it.
  • Safety and health near the school From the construction organization that participates visits to the ten selected centers to convey the importance of occupational health and safety through the similarities between the construction environment and educational environments and to promote competition among the participating students.


We believe that it is essential to promote a culture of prevention and care in relation to health and safety in all educational centers and that it be complemented by other long-term actions and measures to ensure safe and healthy education.

At the same time, we also want to highlight the importance LOMLOE attaches The independence of the centers in terms of decision-makingspecifically to be able to adapt to the needs of its educational community.

We understand that management sets guidelines to promote safety and health, however It seems completely inappropriate to set specific dates and time periods for the implementation of these activities.

It is the educational centers, in the use of their autonomy, that must decide which projects to carry out, which dates are most appropriate and what period of time to devote to them.

It is the faculty that must decide whether to carry out this or another week which they consider necessary, according to the needs and characteristics of their centers or the projects they are developing.

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