Monday, March 10, 2025

Cuba is Vice-Chair of the Biological Weapons Convention Forum

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GENEVA, November 28 (Prensa Latina) Today, Cuba was elected Vice-President, representing the Non-Aligned Movement, at the Ninth Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Biological Weapons.

It is the most important forum of the international instrument, which includes 184 state parties, and is held every five years to analyze compliance with the international instrument.

The island’s delegation to the meeting scheduled to be held in this capital until December 16 is headed by the Director General of Multilateral Affairs and International Law at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rodolfo Benitez, accompanied by Ambassador Juan Antonio Quintanilla to the United Nations in Geneva, and other diplomats. .

The delegation emphasized that Cuba had been a party to the Convention since 1976 and had a strong national enforcement system that ensured the strict application of this mechanism.

He also announced that during the meeting for which he presented several documents, he would denounce the effects of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the Caribbean country and the violation it represents of the provisions of the agreement. on international assistance and cooperation.

It will also promote the adoption of a legally binding protocol

He added that promoting the Convention in a comprehensive manner, including resources to verify it.

With regard to the forum, which focused on monitoring global efforts against biological weapons, Cuba ratified its commitment to the complete prohibition and elimination of these devices of mass destruction.

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