Monday, March 10, 2025

Cuban arrested for brutal knife attack in Hialeah

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A 42-year-old Cuban man was arrested on Tuesday for a violent attempt to do so Armed robbery in Hialeah Which ended with a brutal knife attack on his victim, who was found by the police in tatters.

On June 15, the victim was returning home from work when she was confronted by a defendant who demanded money.

According to the statement, the assailant, known as Carlos Alonso Valdes, did not waver from his anger by repeatedly stabbing the person who had been the subject of an attempted robbery and fled the scene, by refusing to give him money. news of America Citing the arrest report as a source.

The victim – who was not indicated by the media mentioned whether she was a man or a woman – was taken from the emergency room to the hospital, where she underwent extensive surgical intervention. Although her life was saved, she is currently unable to work and has difficulty walking.

Several days after tracking down the suspect, on August 9, authorities arrested Alonso Valdes near West 16th and 39th Streets, where the attempted robbery occurred.

Cuban appeared in bail court on Wednesday, where it emerged he was on parole at the time the attack was committed. The judge released him on bail of $35,000.

To conclude this article, Carlos Alonso Valdes is still in the Provincial Jail Miami County – Daddy.

A few hours ago, it appeared that another Cuban citizen had been arrested in Hialeah, and in that case was charged with crimes She kidnapped her ex-partner, beat her and sexually assaulted her.

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