Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dengue cases continue to decline in Argentina: more than 530,000 cases and 370 deaths recorded

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The Ministry of Health confirms in the epidemiological bulletin that the current dengue season shows diversity, as three serotypes have been identified (Infobae illustration)

The Ministry of Health released the latest data on infection cases Cases of dengue fever in Argentina. “In cumulative terms, they were notified from week 31 of 2023 – end of July and beginning of August – to week 25 of 2024 – mid-June – 530,370 cases of dengue fever (95% local, 3% in research and 2% imported), of which 513,205 (97%) correspond to the year 2024.”

They reported in the epidemiological bulletin that “the cumulative infection rate for this season so far is 1,127 cases per 100,000 people.” mosquito-borne viral disease Aedes aegypti.

They expanded: “In the same period, 1,247 cases were classified as severe dengue (0.24%) in 21 jurisdictions and 370 deaths were recorded in 18 jurisdictions.With a mortality rate of 0.070% so far (359 cases dating back to 2024). According to the document, “ “The eleventh week of declining cases, and it is currently going through an inter-epidemic phase.”

Latest data on dengue fever issued by the Ministry of Health

Regarding the situation by region, they noted from the health file that “the highest cumulative infection rate to date is the NOA region with 2,090 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by the NEA region with 1,605, the Center with 1,075, Cuyo with 289; and the South with 48 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In terms of absolute case contribution, the Central region contributed 61.3% of all reported cases, followed by the NOA regions with 23.4% and the Northeast region with 13.2%, while Cuyo and the South contributed 2.1%.

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They pointed out that “the accumulated cases until week 25 represent 3.17 times what was recorded in the same period of the previous season – 2022/2023 – and 7.95 times what was recorded in the same period of 2019/2020.” The bulletin.

At the same time, they highlighted: “In this season, 3 serotypes were identified in the original cases, with a predominance of DEN-2, followed by DEN-1 (between them accounting for more than 99.9% of cases) and DEN-1.” “A small number of DEN-3 cases were recorded at the beginning of 2024.”

According to the bulletin, during the period analyzed, “55% of cases were recorded among persons of the legal female gender and 45% among men.” The highest cumulative rate and greatest number of cases were observed in people aged 10 to 39 years. The lowest incidence was recorded in people over 80 years of age and those under 10 inches.

The Ministry of Health’s epidemiological bulletin reports that 1,247 dengue cases have been classified as serious, representing 0.24% of the total, with a mortality rate of 0.070% to date, mainly concentrated in 2024 (illustrative photo Infobae)

As reviewed information Weeks ago, the Health Portfolio reported on a series of Dengue control strategies In anticipation of the next potential outbreak in the 2024-2025 season.

The Minister Mario Russo Schematic diagram of the plan supported by Three pillars: Experts of the National Committee for Immunization (Conine) and its scientific recommendations on the use of the available vaccine, epidemiological surveillance, etc.; on the other hand, tailored and specific work must be planned in each region. State authorities, which will receive transfers from the state – financial elements, for example through the SUMAR program – based on the achievement of objectives.

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Russo also sat at the table Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) In its dual role as a trusted watchdog on local, regional and global public health matters as well as ensuring access to vaccines through the Revolving Fund.

Recently, in an interview with information, “We will start gradually and in stages – almost,” Rousseau explained. Starting August 2024In endemic areas in the northeast of the country and the North African region, with dengue vaccination for young people aged 15 to 19 years, Which will be provided by the state. It will be a joint task with each jurisdiction and the consensus that we achieve with the experts.

Argentina’s dengue vaccination strategy will focus on endemic areas (Infobae illustration)

The Argentine Ministry of Health has launched a dengue control strategy based on three pillars: scientific recommendations from CoNaIn, specific action in each region and cooperation with the Pan American Health Organization, seeking to prevent an outbreak of the disease in the 2024-2025 season (illustration Infobae)

The vaccine will not be part of the national vaccination calendar at this time.. For Rousseau, the clarity of this is very important. In escalation On vaccination against dengue fever, to avoid misunderstanding of the term “vaccines for all” and, above all, “not to create false expectations in the population”.

From the meeting that led to Minutes of the National Immunization Committee (CoNaIn) signed on April 11, 2024The National Health Bag resolved the following points:

  • The target population for the vaccination will be people aged 15-39 years. Priority departments Depending on the epidemiological situation. Which endemic areas will we start in the Northeast (Nia) And the northwest (no).
  • The available dengue vaccine – TAK-003, also known as Qdenga® – produced by Takeda, Japan – Focused strategy. Currently, according to the epidemiological situation, It is not a vaccine to be included in the national calendar for all jurisdictions in the country.
  • he It will start in phases with a population of 15 to 19 years Progress will be made. Dynamic, progressive and phased according to vaccine availability and strategies already implemented by jurisdictions.
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