Sunday, March 9, 2025

Department of Health of Neuquén County

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This date is celebrated on the second Saturday of October. On this occasion, the motto is “Leave no one behind. Equal access to palliative care”.

The Neuquén County Department of Health encourages a respectful approach to the right to health, and this has been outlined in the 2019-2023 Regional Health Plan. In this sense, in the strategic axis in which the issue of adults and quality of life is addressed, palliative care is defined as the active and comprehensive care of patients with life-limiting illnesses by a multidisciplinary team that, with a holistic view, takes into account not only physical symptoms but also spiritual, psychological and social symptoms.

Currently across Neuquen County there are 13 multidisciplinary teams working in public health institutions to provide access and quality care to all people who need it.

World Palliative Care Day is celebrated every second Saturday in October. This year, on October 9 with the theme “Leave No One Behind. Equity in Access to Palliative Care,” the regional teams joined the virtual activities of the Argentine Association of Palliative Medicine and Care (AAMyCP) and represented the city of Neuquén through a video of the Centennial Palliative Care team.

In this regard, Guillermo Hayas, a reference for the county’s palliative care program and a member of the teams at Castro Rendón and Boque Roldan Hospital, highlighted the care work of all the teams recently, as their operations were also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The county currently has 13 teams working to help patients who need palliative care. Palliative care teams are at Castro Rendón Hospitals (the only one with another children’s hospital in addition to adults), Bouquet Roldan and Heller, in the city of Neuquén; centennial. simple conspirator; San Patricio del Chanyar; add it; Andakulu. Chos Mellal Cutral Junín de los Andes; and San Martin de los Andes.

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“Patients receive care in health institutions, as well as in outpatient clinics through home appliances,” Hias explained. This treatment approach is essential to provide quality care to individuals and families when a medical expectation is not curative. Responding to the palliative needs of adults and children and their emotional environment, in the advanced stages of the disease, is an essential part of the mission of multidisciplinary health teams.

To “leave no one behind” and provide equal access to palliative care, the district is highlighting the networking of teams and the enduring links between them to prioritize care strategies and provide appropriate care. Likewise, the public health system has programs and procedures for home and palliative care.


On the second Saturday of October every year, World Palliative Care Day is celebrated with the aim of educating people that everyone has the right to receive care on the last journey of their life.

The day is organized by a committee of the Global Alliance for Palliative Care, a network of national and regional centers and organizations that support the development of palliative care.

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