Monday, March 10, 2025

Dollar Conversions Are Changing: Why It Benefits Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Owners

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In line with the government's promise of monetary freedom Javier Miley, The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) lifted this Thursday only the restriction under which it was made transformation On accounts in foreign currency without prior justification.

It is expected that in the coming days, retail investors will be able to transfer the dollars they receive for operations in other applications and/or customer accounts to their CBU. Without restrictions.

In this sense, the new regulations will also affect the owners Digital currencies Let them decide Sell ​​your property. Below are all the details.

New Central Bank Scale: How It Affects Cryptocurrency Investors

From the new regulations, it will be easier

friends Digital currencies Those who wish to exchange their assets for dollars can sell their cryptocurrencies through a central exchange, or conduct a direct person-to-person exchange through a peer-to-peer (P2P) system. In both cases, it will be necessary to first verify that Platform that accepts US dollars.

Until yesterday, the dollars they received for the transaction could remain in the virtual wallet linked to the buying and selling service. Digital currencies Or it can be transferred to the bank account, provided that this is done during the same month at the Central Bank of Oman Can't get another transfer In US currency unless there is prior justification.

Under the central bank's new procedure, this is the last condition It will no longer apply Investors can get as many dollar transfers as they want. However, we will have to act cautiously because it may take some time for the banking system to modernize itself.

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