Monday, March 10, 2025

Dr. Erica Perez talks about health and nutrition

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It also indicates very well Dr. Erica Perez On the International Day of feedbinomial feed s health It is necessary to have a good quality of life, and food plays a very important role in it.

WhyAnd It is important that people care more and moreaTo live a healthy life accompanied by good nutritionno?
A healthy life includes the good feedWell, there is no health Without proper nutrition. Every day the role of what we eat in disease prevention is more clear which is why we will reach old age with a better quality of life if we cultivate a good diet.

Actwhat or whatAnd Indications that we must take into account to know if our diet is balanced?
The main food groups are proteins, carbohydrates (known as carbohydrates) and fats. The balance depends on the correct contribution of each of them. For example, when we notice that our diet is based on meat (protein), we can identify an imbalance, just as there is an imbalance in a diet based on flour, bread and pasta (carbohydrates).

Is it wrong to think that thinness is synonymous with health?
completely. Today we know that weight is one of the indicators of danger, but the most important is weight composition, especially fat distribution and muscle mass. It is common to find thin (normal weight) patients with increased fat distribution, which predisposes them to diabetes, fatty liver and all related metabolic diseases.

Actwhat or whatIt’s the nutrition myth I useas struggle in consultation?
The myth that eating carbohydrates is a problem, especially fruits. We have sufficient scientific evidence on the benefits of eating fiber from fruits and the importance of daily consumption.

In general, is the Dominican diet correct?
In theory, this is true because its base contains proteins and carbohydrates rich in fiber (eg meat, beans, salads). However, the Dominican culture does not seek the best version of food, but due to a lack of resources, is limited to the consumption of fried foods, tubers, fatty meats and sausages. We should always add vegetables as part of the dish, more protein based on fish and preferably whole grains. We should also reduce salt (eg avoid highly spicy soups and sauces and limit salami) and fried foods.

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Actwhat or whatAnd Are there risks in diets that we find on the Internet or other media?
The main danger is that they lead to rapid and unsustainable results, dehydrating the patient and creating an inappropriate relationship with food. We will find patients who benefit from including more vegetables and protein in their diet along with some common diets, but also some who may alter cholesterol, loss of muscle mass or gastrointestinal discomfort due to inadequate recommendation that does not adhere to their individual needs.

WhyAnd Is it better to go to a dietitian instead of looking for solutions on our own?
The ideal is to inform us properly. a doctor in it feed Will attempt to evaluate the patient clinically so that it is feed The proposal will benefit you from this point of view. But it is not a bad idea to look for solutions or information from reliable sources that could contribute to the problem.

Actwhat or whatAnd How important is it to teach children and young people nutrition from home?
It may be ideal, but the nutritional training of children depends on parents and/or relatives, who, for the most part, have the nutritional education of their ancestors rather than adapting to agreed recommendations. Hence the importance of mothers and fathers searching for reliable information that will be passed on to their children.

“Employee nutritional care reduces absenteeism, improves employee performance, and contributes to a good work environment, and the mental health of employees”Dr. Erica PerezDoctor of Medicine specializing in Clinical Nutrition

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And the role of the school in the prevention of obesity, how do you see that?
Important! A school or university platform is the ideal platform to be able to do nutritional education that is not just about weight but about adequate supply of nutrients and disease prevention and how it should be integrated into the whole environment so that it is sustainable.

today in dmeOh, tooAndn in the business worlda Gain the power of employee nutritional care. Actwhat or whatAnd What benefits do you bring?
It reduces absenteeism, improves employee performance, and contributes to a good work environment, health From her workers and without a doubt for the sake of an environment that has a very representative role in the time each person dedicates to it.

Now there’s a lot of talk about emotional appetite, right?cHow do we know that the one who asks for food is not our stomach but our feelings?
It is very complex to define this difference because there are so many variables involved. For example, we will see patients who go for long periods without eating and during the afternoon experience hunger and call it “anxiety” when it is clear that the increased appetite is stimulated by fasting. Also, when it comes to sweet or fatty foods, the preference is higher, but they are certainly more desirable foods for the palate and do not necessarily have to do with emotional hunger. In order to be able to determine whether appetite is related to emotions and not to the natural sense of hunger, we must interrogate the history of your meals, your environment, your sleep quality, and other factors.

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Actwhat or whatWhat future and trends does nutrition bring?
For now, the most suggested is to avoid pre-designed trends and patterns, and treat food as a custom suit, which must take into account all of each person’s individual factors in order to make it sustainable over time. future feed It should bring with it more scientific evidence that clarifies the doubts that exist and with which we can make convincing recommendations that can put aside many myths and baseless comments.

Give us an example of what we should and should not do as a good practice.a of nutritionalson.
We shouldn’t be obsessed with weight on the scale, we should worry about the quality of our diet. For example, we can start by understanding the main sources of protein and making sure to eat them at every meal. One idea is to include eggs for breakfast, fish for lunch, and something else for dinner.

Steer clear of cornstarch, “harinas del negrito” or “conflé con leche” can allow us to combine proteins in a more balanced way and reduce those hefty loads of sugar and simple carbs.

Avoid eating processed foods that play a leading role in your diet, and also don’t serve them to your kids, examples are potato chips, bananas and all those processed foods. Alternate fruit, greek yogurt, nuts, which can provide a quick and versatile preparation to make the diet enjoyable and long-lasting.

Journalist, over 30 years of experience in magazines. Degree in Information Science from the University of Navarra, Spain. He currently manages the magazine division of Diario Libre in the Dominican Republic.

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