Sunday, March 9, 2025

Elon Musk wants to implant chips in human brains in 2022

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If there is a man on the planet who is capable of integrating humans with technology, this is it Elon Musk. The richest man in the world through his company Neuralinkwant to start Implanting microchips in human brains by 2022. He will do it to improve medicine.

Musk intends for people with a spinal cord injury to wear this chip to offer them a significant improvement in their lives: with their minds they will be able to control the technological devices that will allow them to carry out daily chores such as using the Internet, for example, without problems. This is already got successfully Brain Gate.

Improving life and trying to recover lost movement

In addition, it will be studied whether it is possible for people with quadriplegia to regain mobility. “I think we have the opportunity with Neuralink To restore full-body function to a person with a spinal cord injury,” Musk cautioned, “expected that this project is just an ‘opportunity.’ With this important nuance, Musk covers his shoulders in case you can’t.” Someone who can’t walk or use their arms to walk once again “.


Elon Musk doesn’t want to give anyone false hope

pool / Reuters

This chip works by implanting electrodes into the area of ​​the brain responsible for controlling voluntary movement. These relate to a larger matrix called . connection, which can process, stimulate and transmit nerve signals to devices so that they can be controlled with the mind and not with the hands, for example.

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Complete success in monkeys, although not tested in humans

Neuralink He hasn’t done any human testing yet. Yes I have done it in monkeys. In addition, the primates passed the tests with very good marks. In this sense, the company published a monkey video in early 2021 pager play a video game bong. At first he used the joystick, but then he started playing with his mind only.

Neuralink It works well in monkeys. Musk said during CEO Council Summit organized by The Wall Street Journal.

Although implantation of these chips appears imminent, Neuralink You are two years late. Plus, it still doesn’t have FDA approval, which is the company’s main hurdle: “We’re waiting for FDA approval; and I must say our standards for device implants are much higher than the FDA requires.” and medicine.”

The scientific community is hesitant about the project

Several scientists took their heads off with Musk’s project. They assert that granting mobility to someone who doesn’t have “hard to keep” promises, MIT states on their blog Technology review.

The richest man in the world also has answers to the skeptics. In his speech in CEO Council Summit He stressed that this case is “a very important thing” and that they do not intend in any way to “raise hopes in an unreasonable manner”, although he confirmed that he will be tried.

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