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Emmanuel Macron says comparing France to New Zealand “doesn’t make sense”

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In front of foreign newspapers, the French president on Friday long supported the European vaccination strategy.

«Fatigue, impatience, and moments of tension are normal to the question of vaccines. ”, Recognized Emmanuel Macron in front of foreign newspapers. On Friday, January 29, the French president received a dozen reporters from foreign newspapers in Elysee. According to him, there are sometimes some comparisons woven with other countries: “When you compare France to New Zealand, that doesn’t make sense. We are not an isolated island with a population of Lyon. ” He defended the European strategy on vaccine: “I think we all need to keep in mind the fact that at the level of continental plates, where people are in circulation, the epidemic will stop when we all get vaccinated together.” “Within the Union, I am pleased that we have an integrated strategy for procurement, vaccination and organization. It is essential to capture this line.”, He added.

At the beginning of this interview, Emmanuel Macron added a little more to the confusion that reigns among the twenty-seven. The head of state actually shared his doubts about the effectiveness of the vaccineAstrogenogen In the elderly, a few hours before the approval of the European Medicines Organization. “What I can officially tell you is that the first impression we have today is that AstraZeneca does not encourage people over the age of 60-65.”, He said. “I, I have no data, I do not have a team of scientists looking for these figures for them.”, Emmanuel Macron reviewed the media of the High Health Authority, which has not yet approved the vaccine. The German Vaccine Commission has taken the European regulator’s objection and reaffirmed its recommendation that the 65 – year – old AstraZeneca vaccine not be approved.

We lie to people by saying “you are vaccinating”. You have the first injection of two vaccines

Emmanuel Macron

During the passage Emmanuel Macron exploded the British vaccination strategy to postpone the second injection. “The first injection as possible is not the goal”, Car “When all the health companies and entrepreneurs tell you that it takes two injections with a maximum of 28 days to work, it’s like Pfizer-Bioentech, and the vaccinated countries have a single injection strategy, which is absolutely serious,” he said. I do not know. “” When scientists only give one injection, we speed up mutations because people are less covered, so the virus adapts. ” “We lie to people and say, ‘You’re being vaccinated. You have the first injection of two vaccines.’, He added.

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He finally realized Mighty It was unexpected “Those vaccines are the best, the fastest, the most complex.”, As “It will take longer to make a twinko or a gangu than a Tesla we have never made.

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