Monday, March 10, 2025

EPS Asmet Salud continues to accumulate debts with the Risaralda Hospital Network

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EPS Asmet Salud continues to be under special monitoring by the Health Supervisory Authoritydue to the multiplicity of complaints from associates about the lack of interest in their requests, and the difficult financial situation that has existed for four years.

Which has led to Olga Lucia Zuluaga Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Risaralda Hospital Association, stressing that this problem also increases the portfolio that the department’s hospitals currently have, without finding a viable solution that can be applied immediately.

“Because EPS is under special control, it has financial problems, Every month our resources are decreasing further, with a large debt with the network, we are talking about 23 billion pesos in debt with the public network, without counting the debts of the private company. Thus, we are making a call and an alert to the Supervisory Authority because we do not want the same thing to happen to us that happened with Medimás, ”explained the union leader.

EPS Asmet Health It currently runs 50% of the supported system affiliate populationThe risk of liquidation also increases uncertainty in the hospital network, as due to the debts they are currently incurring, it means that hospital centers cannot continue to guarantee the provision of service to users.

the Observation measureaccording to a recent extension made by Supersalud last June, indicates that Until March 2023the time that Compliance with the 17 commands with incomplete indicators It can guarantee optimal service to the members of Risaralda, Caldas, Caquetá, Cauca, Cesar, Huila, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Santander, Tolima and Valle.

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