Friday, March 7, 2025

EPS owed $3 trillion: What about health system liquidity?

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According to Andi, fundraising from health service providers and technology providers has slowed. EFE/Mauricio Duenas Castaneda

the National Business Association of Columbia (ANDY) He asked the national government to seek common solutions to solve Liquidity problems Currently in the Colombian health system.

According to the federation, inflation, the exchange rate, the effects of the Covid-19 emergency, the increase in the use of the Health Benefits Plan (PBS) and the transfer of users, are factors that affected the health promotion entities (EPS) from the state.

From Andy’s Health Rooms, which unites Insurance companies, providers and providers of health technologiesWe demand the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance to protect patients and their families and the daily operation of the system that supports More than two million healthcare services a dayAndy requested in a statement that “jointly, we will technically tackle the conversation around financing the sector.”

The Association’s Chamber of Healthcare Institutions currently consists of more than 30 clinics and hospitals in the country, laboratories, diagnostic imaging centers, outpatient clinics and home care. According to the Director of the General Social Security System (Adres) Resource Management, Félix Leon Martinez, who was in an interview with Republiceveryone Health resources necessarily pass through the companies that are organized in Andi.

However, the association emphasized that liquidity problems in the system are evident in the money owed for EPS. Good , Push maximum budgets 2021, 2022 and 2023 represent a Almost $3 trillion in debt. Added to this are other balances that must be paid for refunds and their healthcare COVID-19.

Bruce Mac Master, Andi’s President, emphasized at a recent health forum that the health coverage rate in Colombia is 99%, but that there are challenges and corrections that need to be made. Colbrenza / Sophia Toscano

On the other hand, according to the Association of Entrepreneurs, they currently do not have the ability to respond to health expenses. They acknowledge the efforts of the national government to increase Unit Payment by Capitation (UPC) for the year 2023which corresponds to the amount recognized by each member of the health system, by 16.23%. However, according to the authority, this increase is not enough.

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Moreover, taking into account Sector portfolio study Which Andi’s doing on a quarterly basis, the collection cycles in providers and health service providers are becoming increasingly slow. The study has now revealed, on average, the payments between the various actors in the system It may take up to 203 daysie, nearly seven months.

Liquidity difficulties in the health system put the healthcare of subsidiaries at risk. Credit: Stephen Andrews/Unsplash

This deterioration in resource flows significantly affects OSWhat’s more serious, Andy emphasized in the statement, is that it threatens the opportunity to care about users, which is necessary to ensure that the system has the liquidity to function properly.

In this sense, he expressed his concern about the discussions on the health reform of the Petro government, where they can provide Expansion of procedures required to ensure the proper functioning of the system.

He also confirmed that the aforementioned expansions have already been reflected in add budget for 2023 that was approved in June at the second debate of the Senate and House of Representatives. For health they agreed An additional $2.03 trillionHowever, for Andi this figure is “short”.

“We reiterate the call for the protection of patients and their families, the daily operation of the entire system, and the need for the national government to take the necessary measures to ensure Attention to all ColombiansThe assembly concluded.

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