Sunday, March 9, 2025

Erika Josko Gorlertza – Basque Government :: International experts analyse progress of EU-Euskadi cooperation project to improve health and well-being at community level

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  • A day organized by the Ministry of Health brings together more than a hundred specialists from inside and outside the Basque Country tomorrow in Bilbao to encourage participation at the local level in improving health, one of the priority lines of the Euskadi 2030 Health Plan.

More than a hundred specialists and experts will participate tomorrow, Tuesday in Bilbao, in a conference where they will analyze the progress made within the framework of the cooperation project developed by the European Union and the Basque Country, with the aim of strengthening community-based participatory processes at the local level that lead to improving the health and well-being of the participating community and society as a whole.

Health promotion is a process that includes, on the one hand, actions aimed at enhancing individual skills and capacities; on the other hand, activities focused on modifying social, environmental and economic conditions to mitigate their negative impact on health and enhance their positive impact. In short, it is about promoting healthier lives and environments suitable for health, from a perspective Health in all policies.

In this sense, the Deputy Minister of Health of the Basque Government, José Luis Quintas, pointed out that Health promotion It was, is and will remain a priority goal of his ministry, and is included in the Euskadi 2030 health plan “because in short – he stressed – it means it.” Providing people and communities with the necessary means to improve their health And exercise greater control over its determinants.

Last November the project began in Euskadi Improving local community work to achieve health and well-beingwhich is funded by the European Union and with technical advice from the OECD, and is being developed by various institutions, agents and entities operating at community level in Euskadi.

The conference has a dual objective: to analyse the progress made so far and, at the same time, to exchange experiences in good practices implemented at the international level.

To do this, renowned experts from inside and outside the Basque Country will be involved, who will address different aspects of community processes in favor of health, such as the role of governments, assessment of the participation of the community itself, cooperation between intersectoral and local networks, or consultation mechanisms for health promotion.

Likewise, it will bring together representatives of the various departments of the Basque Government, provincial and municipal administrations, third sector associations, public and private social entities, universities and research centres, etc.

Attached is today’s program.

* Image: Project presentation Strengthening community action for health and wellness, November 2023

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