Monday, March 10, 2025

Evaluona Montaner and Camilo talk about their home birth experience: ‘Every hour was an eternity’

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Artist duo recalls their first home birth (Video: YouTube)

newly, Evaluona Montaner and Camilo Echeverri They welcomed their second daughter, Amaranth. As with their firstborn daughter, the couple decided to give birth at home, under the care of a specialist. Since the birth IndigoThis question piqued the curiosity of their fans, so they took the opportunity to share a video telling their experience on their official YouTube channel.

“Just about three days before Amaranto was born, Evaluna and I sat down to tell you in a video all the details about Indigo right before she arrived,” Camilo began to say to the camera alone, because his eldest daughter was with his grandparents, his wife and his baby sleeping. “And it’s a story we’ll tell you later, and since her arrival was delayed, we never uploaded it,” he added before introducing the story. The image then became a close-up of his wife, who was pregnant with Velvet at the time.There are very interesting stories in the world that grab your attention. But of all these things, one of my favorites is how the woman I love brought Indigo from the outside world.“The Colombian said,”

In a simulation of an interview, the singer put himself in the role of a journalist: “I have some questions that I wrote down with our help because I am a fan of yours and I love the story of my decision to give birth at home. When someone asks you about your birth, they ask you the same two questions: Did it hurt a lot? Did you poop? Those are the only ones I will answer. Yes, it hurt a lot, and he didn’t. “That’s my story, it’s a great story that I love to tell, but I feel like all birth stories are equally valuable. Wherever you choose to give birth, it’s amazing.“I am not afraid of you,” Evaluona pointed out, before beginning her story.

Evaluna and Camilo in the pool, preparing for the arrival of their baby.
Evaluna and Camilo in the pool, preparing for the arrival of their baby.
Excited, Ricardo Montaner and his wife Marilyn
Excited, Ricardo Montaner and his wife Marilyn

The birth of his first daughter did not have many public images, as the composer himself explained that it was very personal. Therefore, only two of them were able to teach their audience. For her part, Evalona remembered something specific from that time: “Those days lasted a long, long, and precious time.. Every hour was an eternity.But now I think about it and I’m like, ‘Oh, how fun it would be to be able to live all that time again.’ I started having contractions early on the morning of April 5, and when I woke him up to tell him I thought things were starting, he said, ‘Try to go back to sleep.’ Then we woke up, and everything was fine, and we spent some time in the yard just chilling, and at noon we started making Indigo cake.” When I mentioned dessert, her husband referred to it as “a cake with the number zero on it.”

Singer in the middle of contractions
Singer in the middle of contractions
Camillo, deeply affected by the birth of his first daughter.
Camillo, deeply affected by the birth of his first daughter.

As the hours passed, daughter Ricardo Montaner “The pain became unbearable,” he said. “I went upstairs with Cami and cried, and came back down. I lay there trying to sleep between the three-minute contractions and couldn’t. At about 1 or 2 a.m., we got into the warm pool, which was a relief. At 3 a.m., I had to start pushing, and it went on for an hour, and we went to the bathroom and nothing. We said, ‘Let’s go to bed and see if it comes out.’ I pushed twice and it came out.” India“Camilo added to the memory: “29 hours of work. It was unprompted, India “He decided when he arrived, without anesthesia, trusting Evaluona’s body and following his feelings.”.

Ricardo Montaner’s daughter explains why she chose to give birth at home

What inspired you to say, “I want to give birth at home, not in a hospital”?“His partner asked him,”My mom was always showing me home births. She was studying to be a doula.He shared with me everything he was studying and I thought it was amazing. I feel like ever since I was a little girl when I was imagining my birth, I imagined it that way, never in a clinic. I had all the information for the birth there.“You have every option to give birth at home or in a clinic,” the singer admitted. Marilyn Rodriguez“Another thing that helped me was that I felt like you were always on the same page,” he added.

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Camilo agreed with his partner, noting that “things are done one way until they are done another way. All our grandmothers and since then, our grandfathers have trusted the woman’s body as a means of giving birth without much intervention. Pregnancy is not synonymous with illness, but with strength.“You’ve always had such confidence in the power you have as a woman…” “What made you feel so safe about having Indigo in the house?” her daughters’ father asked her, and she reiterated that “it’s very clear that a woman’s body is made to give birth in the most natural way possible. God created us with this amazing ability and power.” “It’s also clear that I surround myself with people who trust my ability to do this. Our midwife, in the first consultation with her, was very confident, sure and prepared, and that helps.

Camilo reads the questions he asked his wife (YouTube)
Camilo reads the questions he asked his wife (YouTube)

When I watched you give birth to Indigo, I realized you were our pilot.“Midwife Dana, who is a friend of ours and has brought us security, is just a flight attendant, just like me, but you are the pilot and the plane. Realize that a woman must find all the resources outside of herself to help her give birth the way she wants. I know that there are many obstetricians who accompany me.” For her part, the youngest of the Montaner clan admitted that she “did”Fear of pain throughout pregnancy Because they tell you that this is the most you will ever feel in your life. But It only lasted two days. Later, during labor, I had no

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In contrast, the musician admitted that he was scared when he witnessed that moment, but the calmness of midwife Dana gave him peace of mind to continue the operation.I feel like you’ve been through every contraction with me.“I’ve been through it. I’ve been through it, but you’ve really been through it. I’ve been able to lean on you so much emotionally, spiritually, mentally, but physically you’ve given me this support that’s helped me ground myself and give birth,” the actress assured him, recalling that she “clung to him so tightly” and was able to “let go” when the bag finally broke, which taught him “not to take too long to let go.”

In conclusion, her husband said:I am proud of my wifeSeeing her give birth was one of the most inspiring things for me. Men are not very sensitive, but women who dream of becoming mothers and talk to Evaluna, or share their experience, fill them with light, with this feeling of seeing someone do something they thought they were incapable of doing. I realized I was capable of so much more.

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