Monday, March 10, 2025

Famous quotes by Elon Musk about business and personal success

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AndThe color of musk countrysideForbes magazine considers it. One of the richest men in the world in recent years. Born in Pretoria. South Africa: On June 28, 1971, he is currently 52 years old. Popularly known as Elon Musk, he rose to prominence for being an entrepreneur, investor, and inventor.

Musk has been awarded the title “South African poleBut he also holds both Canadian and American citizenship.

He is the founder, CEO and chief engineer “SpaceX”; Angel investor, CEO and product architect of a company “Tesla company.”; Founder “boring company”; Co-founder of “Neuralink” And “Open Eye”Although he no longer has any involvement in the latter due to differences in the direction of the company, in addition to being the CTO of 'X company'

Musk is the richest man on the planet, according to Bloomberg.


The controversial media mogul and billionaire has shared his vision for leadership over the years. These are some of their best and most popular tips.

  • “Failure is a choice. If things don't fail, you're not innovating enough.”
  • “Pay attention to negative comments and ask for them, especially from friends. People don't usually do that and it's very helpful.
  • “The motivation behind creating all my companies was the thought of being involved in something that could have a significant impact on the world.”
  • “I believe it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.”
  • “When something is important enough, you do whatever it takes, even when the odds are not in your favor.”
  • “When you go into competition in an already exploited market, you have to make sure your product is not just a little better than the competition, but much better.”
  • “A brand is just a perception and the perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it may happen before, sometimes later, but a brand is nothing more than the collective impression we have about the product.”
  • “It is a mistake to hire too many people to do a complex job. Numbers will never compensate for talent: two people who do not know how to do something are no better than one person, they will slow down the process and the task will be more difficult.
  • “I'm always an optimist, but I'm a realist. I didn't start Tesla or SpaceX with the expectation of huge success. I thought they were important enough to do it anyway.”
  • “People work better when they know what the purpose is and why. It is important that people know where they come to work every morning and enjoy the work.
  • “Maybe my biggest mistake was prioritizing talent over character. I think it matters whether someone has a good heart or not.
  • “The first step is to prove that something is possible and therefore likely to happen.”
  • “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should keep trying.”

Musk is the richest man on the planet, according to Bloomberg.


  • “Don't get distracted by thinking something might work when it doesn't, or you'll be permanently stuck with the wrong solution.”
  • “It's okay to put your eggs in one basket, as long as you control what happens to that basket.”
  • “If you wake up in the morning and think the future will be better, it's a bright day. Otherwise, it's not.”
  • “People should pursue what they are passionate about. “This will make them happier than anything else.”
  • “I believe it is our duty to preserve the light of conscience to ensure that it continues into the future.”
  • “You have to say, 'Well, why did he succeed where others didn't?'
  • “Geometry is the closest thing to magic there is in the world.”

Alejandra Hernandez Torres

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