Monday, March 10, 2025

Five books with which you can enter the world of professional cybersecurity from scratch

Must Read
Hi, Anna David “Shift”Anyone who knows me knows my admiration for books published by the publisher 0xWordBecause not only does it work with books on very specific topics related to cybersecurity, plus the authors are professionals and leaders in the field they write about, which is why I use and recommend them in the training I provide in this professional world.

Figure 1: Five books to delve into from scratch

In the world of professional cyber security

Today I wanted to write this article, in which I will tell you about the first five books that are essential for me if I want to delve into the exciting world of cybersecurity. In case you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you as a reader of The Evil Side surely have seen plenty of them here consistently. Let’s see if I can help you.

1.- “Cyber ​​security from you”

The first of them, and even if it has an informational character within the line 0xWord Brain, it will be very useful for those who have never had any approach in the world of cyber security, since many people sign up for courses or even masters and when they start to see what topics they usually include, they are somewhat confused. The book is entitledCyber ​​security from you“, written by Yolanda Coral. In this, we will be able to see some of the techniques that cybercriminals use to carry out their crimes in a close and non-technical way, as well as several tips to protect our privacy.

2.- “Ethical Hacking”

The second book authored by Pablo GonzalezIt would be difficult to find a person in the world of cyber security who does not know who he is, an authority in many fields and a professional, close and humble like few others. The book is entitledEthical hackingWith him, we will now delve into the technical part, but at the most basic level, a level that anyone can understand with patience, effort and practice.

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It starts by talking to us about ethical hacking, goes on to explain the types of audits we can find, to move on to more specific topics that will go from conducting an examination to implementing corresponding reports that can be requested, persistence, all on a basic level. And with the exercises we can do to better understand the interpretations.

3.- “Pentesting with Kali. Silver Edition”

As you start out in this world, you’ll come across different opinions about what tools or technologies to use, as well as different schools of thought about an operating system to get you started, although most will tell you to start with it. Kali Linuxsince it is a very intuitive operating system and already contains most of the tools used in cyber security, especially for beginners.
Of course, the third book that I recommend is entitled “pentesting with kaliWhere we find ourselves again as an author Pablo Gonzalez, as well as wonderful professionals. In this book we are going to start by solving one of the big problems that people who are just starting out face, which is installing the operating system, in this case. Kali Linux. Not only will we see how to install it in our operating system, we will also explain how to install it through a virtual machine.

Have you ever worked with Linux? If not, don’tDon’t worry, although it is advisable to get used little by little to using commands, in this book the authors will guide you step by step and command by command so that you can follow their explanations and although we continue at the level of explanations for beginners, you will start to see brute force techniques or hacking web or Wifi among many others.

Cool, right? Well, in addition to the book, on the publisher’s website YOUR VIDEO BOOK (VBOOK) And in the previous video you have an example of some explanations and demos that you can learn from and enjoy at the same time.

4.- Attacks on IPv4 and IPv6 Data Networks (4th Edition)

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The fourth book, Attacks on IPv4 and IPv6 Data Networks, was written by Juan Luis Garcia, revised and expanded by Chima Alonso and Pablo Gonzalez. Surely, at some point, even if you don’t know exactly what it’s all about, you’ve heard about the terms sniffing, plagiarism, abduction, or heard about strata. In this book we have already begun to get more serious and deal with deeper issues, but don’t worry, if you follow the itinerary I propose in this article, you will have no trouble understanding what is explained in it.

Because in addition to being short explanations, but this goes to the point, as in the previous books, you will again have step-by-step explanations and practical exercises that will help you assimilate the contents. We bring the fifth and final book that will help you step into the world of cyber security, there is no turning back, now you will be totally addicted and eager for more knowledge.

And also if you like Enjoy it in VBook formatyou can too, because John Lewis Romero He adapted them to the format to enable learning by watching demos and listening to explanations in multimedia format.

5.- Metasploit for Pentesters Gold Edition

The fifth book entitledMetasploit for Pentesters (Gold Edition)“, written by Pablo Gonzalez In cooperation with Chima Alonso. In previous books, you’ll be a little familiar with this DomainBut with this book you will know him deeply. It’s true that you will find detractors and people who will tell you that they never used it and never used it…let me doubt it, we’ve all played games at some point metasploit.

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And how he explains the book in its first pages, it’s a file Domain who is used to pentesting It has a large number of functions, which are widely used on a daily basis by security auditors.

In addition, due to the lack of knowledge of users, it is usually not exploited enough, since inside it we will have the tools that will help us in all stages of pentesting. So if you’re done with it, and want more… you’ve got Part Two in the book”Hacking with Metasploit: Advanced Pentesting“.

And if you want more help

I hope this short tour will be one of the first five books I recommend for getting started in a world Film security – which you can also pay with MyPublicInbox Tempos – It was to your liking and I remind you that for any questions or concerns you can find me or any of the authors in our profiles My general mailbox.

all the best,

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