Monday, March 10, 2025

Giant oxygen tube in Antarctica

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NASA and the US government stepped in to extract the money from the funds Lunar regolith and lunar ice water. In this way, they will be able to use oxygen in life support systems for human consumption as an oxidizer for the release compounds that come from Moon.

It is even expected that these technologies will be tested on the satellite from 2024 and provide support to astronauts on a mission. Artemis.

The US space agency says, “Currently funded efforts to On-site oxygen extraction It consists of filling oxygen in compressed gas tanks or liquefying it and storing it in it clubs. Either method requires tankers or waves to be transported to different facilities for use.”

The process involves the movement of oxygen in rovers which consumes more energy than the extraction process, considering the following: It is the most expensive aspect Obtaining oxygen on site for use on the Moon.

pipeline from Antarctica

NASA suggests an alternative: a ‘tOxygen pipeline at the lunar south poleThat is, the gaseous oxygen pipeline at the lunar south pole for the NIAC Phase 1 project, which “will revolutionize lunar operations for the Artemis program.”

This device is from researchers in Containerwill help explore and evaluate several diverse system architectures for a lunar pipeline to identify enabling technologies and produce a comprehensive roadmap for innovative infrastructure development.

From transporting oxygen to covering distances

Initially, a five-kilometer gas pipeline was proposed to transport gaseous oxygen from the O2 production source to a storage plant. An L-SPOP or “oxygen tube” consists of on-site sections of pipe that are installed to cover the distance for an initial analysis.

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the Modular design is customizable, is subject to repair and development due to on-site resource extraction and manufacturing techniques, resulting in a long useful life of the pipeline. This pipeline will be designed to mechanically build regolith-derived minerals with minimal material transported from the earth oxygen flow rate Less than 2 kg per hour and thus able to operate at a minimum amount of energy during the useful life of the tube.

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